"Then what happened?"

"We started fighting again—the usual. We came back to Japan early, but we didn't want to alarm you and Otou-san so we went to a hotel instead." Nakuru spoke slowly. "There was not one decent conversation between us—there was not a single hello or goodbye that didn't ended with us yelling at each other. It was just constant screaming and cursing from one another. I've had all I can take, Sakura..."

So Nakuru was the one that wanted the divorce.


Sakura knew for a fact that Nakuru didn't want to have a divorce. She could tell that her brother and the woman were very much in love with each other, but what was causing problems between them?

"I've been married to your brother since I was eighteen—ten long years of my life," she said, folding her hands neatly in front of her. "My friends and family constantly ask me if I regret my decision. If I regret throwing away the most important years of my life to become a bird in a cage, trapped by a thing called marriage."

"Do you?"

"No. I don't regret marrying your brother. I married him because I loved him... but time changes a lot of things, Sakura. Even though love never changes, the person can change."

"Touya still loves you a lot."

"Yes... but he has also found another kind of love—work. All my life I've only dreamed of becoming a mother. I'm not growing any younger, Sakura. In the beginning, he wanted to wait until his work has settled down. We waited. One year turned into two years and two quickly turned into eight."

"You can always adopt," Sakura said. "If children are what setting you two apart—"

"It's not just children. I just can't live my life like this anymore. I've had enough." Tears streamed down her cheeks. "For once, I want to enjoy life and not have to wait for someone to make things happen. I want to make up for the years I lost."


"Your brother and I agreed that time apart might do us some good."

"So you're really getting a divorce?" the woman nodded. "Nothing I do or say can change your mind?"

She nodded again. "Touya and I already broke the news to Otou-san before I came over here."

"How did he take it?"

"He trusts us to decide what the right decision is."

Sakura hugged the woman tightly. "You will always be my 'Nee-chan."

Nakuru returned the hug, a smile appearing on her face. "So, Sakura... the picture on the bathroom wall..."


The next morning, Sakura made sure to wake up extra early to run an important errand. She took a quick shower, slipped into an outfit for the day, and quietly tiptoed out of the apartment; making sure not to wake up her sister-in-law (or soon to be ex-sister-in-law). She glanced around in all directions before looking behind a flowerpot outside Syaoran's apartment, remembering what he had said about an extra key to his apartment.

Sakura almost had the key when suddenly...

"What are you doing?" a voice said behind her.

She jumped, hitting her head into the wall. "Hoee! That hurts..."

Nakuru looked at her strangely. "What are you doing out here, Sakura?"

"I was... er... going to take a walk around the um... neighborhood then I saw a cockroach and I was er... trying to um... look for it."

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