"The landlord told me that I can find Li Syaoran here," a man with black hair said.

"He went out a few minutes ago. Do you want to come inside and wait?" Sakura asked. The man nodded, and Sakura opened the door wider to let him in. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Water, please." The man walked around the room while looking at some of the paintings on the wall. "May I ask what is your connection with Syaoran?" the man asked as Sakura handed him a glass of water.

Sakura smiled. "I'm his secretary."

"He is living with his secretary?"

She chuckled nervously, preferring not to get into the details. The man saw that and just smiled, resuming to looking at the paintings.

"How do you know him?" Sakura asked.

"I'm a colleague of his."

"You're a plumber, too?"

He laughed and shook his head before looking at his watch. "Do you know when I can get a hold of him?"

"He should be back soon. He just ran down to the convenience store to get something," answered Sakura.

And as if it was his cue, Syaoran busted through the door as if a dog was chasing him.

"The convenience store didn't have any more condo—whoa—Taguchi!"

A sly grin appeared on the man's face. "What were you saying, Syaoran?"

"Taguchi, it's not what you think."

"Since when did you become so timid about admitting your sexual relationship?"

Sakura's face was turning a deep shade of red. And it definitely did not help the situation when she remembered that she was only wearing Syaoran's shirt. She quickly hid behind Syaoran, embarrassed that she had opened the door without pants on.


Life really sucked.

"It's just a relationship right now. Nothing sexual yet." He answered.

Yet...? Sakura asked in her mind, not wanting to think about his answer.

Taguchi shot a smile at Sakura. "So the rumors are true—the King of Hearts is settling down. I am honored to be in your presence, Miss."

Syaoran pulled Sakura out from behind him. "Don't worry. He doesn't bite."

Sakura blushed. "I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier. It's nice to meet you, too. My name is Kinomoto Sakura."

The glass of water suddenly slipped out of the owner's hand and shattered into tiny pieces on the wooden floor.

"I'll clean that up." She went to grab some paper towels.

"I'm s-sorry," Taguchi stuttered. "But did you say Kinomoto—you're the daughter of Kinomoto Fujitaka?"

"Yes. Is something wrong, Taguchi-san?"

"N-No. I'm just a big fan of your father's work," the black head said with a smile. "I've been to a few of his lectures before, and I think he is very a brilliant man."

"By the way," Syaoran interrupted the conversation. "What are you doing here?"

Taguchi smiled. "Work."

"Great. I haven't seen you in months, and the first thing you want to see me about is work? And you don't even have the decency to bring me a souvenir!"

"Skyscrapers aren't going to build themselves," the black head remarked. "But I'm not an unreasonable guy. I'll meet up with you later when you're not busy. Please give your father my best regards, Sakura."

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