Chapter 14- War With Yourself

Depuis le début

  Abby is laughing way too much and hitting Cade's arm, he wasn't even the one telling the joke. Everyone starts to notice and the mood is killed.

  "Abby is everything okay?"

  "Yes Chris everything is fine." She smiles and rubs her hand through Cade's hair as she looks at me. I wasn't even the one that asked the question. She stares at me with a stupid grin and I stare back with a blank facial expression.

  "So Toby have you ever had any weird sex encounters?" Everyone's attention is turned to me as Chris asks me the question of something I know nothing about. I blush and Abby laughs. I dart my eyes at her to find out what she found funny and she stops laughing as no one joins in with her.

  "No I have never. Call me lucky." I state and they all let off a chuckle except for Abby. She whispers something in Cade's ear and he looks around at her. It almost looked like he was about to kiss her but instead there was an angered look on his face. What the hell did she say?

  He whispers something back and she folds her arms looking at him with an expressionless face.

  "Hello?" I answer my phone that was vibrating in my lap. It was the girls.

  "I'm at the campus restaurant." I answered to my friends who wondered where I was and everyone turned to look at me. I got up to go outside taking my purse with me because I wasn't going to go back. Saved by a phone call.

  "Sure I'll get it for you guys. Its going to be a long wait because its almost across campus. Promise me you all won't starve to death."  I laugh and they start laughing.

  "What's almost across campus?" Cade ask almost scaring me to death.

  "Why are you always creeping up on me?"

  "I do?"

  "Yes, stop doing it."

  "What's almost across campus?"

  "The Burger Hut."

  "That's pretty far. Lets go." He says then he walks pass me.

  "You're leaving your friends?"

  "Yes, Abby is clinging on to me and its annoying. She won't stop." He sighs and unlocks the car.

  "Cade where yah going?" Abby ask and we both start lookimg at her.

  "Go back inside. Just tell the others I left... Toby come on." Abby angrily folds her arms and she flashes me a cold glare. Well okay then. I turn away from her and step into Cade's car where he was holding the door for me.

  He closes the door and walks over to the drivers side. I look out the window and Abby flashes me her middle finger. What was that for? Something is seriously wrong with that girl.

  "Are you sure you and Abby aren't dating?" I asked as he drove off.

  "Yes I'm sure. I don't even have sex with her anymore... ever since you moved in its like she's jealous so she starts acting weird." 

  "Oh. Why would she be jealous of me? I thought she didn't care about who you had in your room? Its not like we are even doing anything."

  "I don't know I don't understand women." He shrugs and I change the subject.

  "So how was your party?"

  "It was great! I got a dance from 'the baddest dancer in the building'." He states then he winks at me and laughs.

  "Uh okay, that's nice. Is that all you got?" I asked hoping that he wouldn't say he had sex with anyone.

  "No." He answers and I wonder why I asked that stupid question.

Bad Boy Roomie {COMPLETE} [UNEDITED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant