Chapter |5|

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Sorry for mistakes

Sorry it took so long


I looked at my watch and saw the time was 3:56 am. I stayed up all day working on my routine that I was struggling so much with. I yawned for the hundredth time. This isn't good for me. I need sleep. I pack up and double check for anything I need. I open the door and my eyes widen at the sight of multiple fans and cameramen standing outside the door screaming my name. Why now lord?

"Tinka! Is it true that you fired the best dance manager in Detroit?" One cameraman said. I ignored the question and continued walking through the crowd. Fans all around were screaming for me but I'm too tired to answer them. I feel someone grab my arm and I look to see Tator. What is he doing here? He drags me away from the crowd and leads me to his car. I open the passenger door and get inside just as he did.

"You're welcome." He said non chalantly and pulling out of the parking lot. I don't say anything back mainly because I was tired as hell and I just want to go home.

"I need directions." He said eventually.

I gave him directions to my house and he soon arrived.

I open the door and step out fully.

"Thank you." I say lowly while yawning again.

"It's cool. I'll see you around alright?"

"Okay." I close the door and walk  inside. I walk straight into my room and collapse onto the bed. My eyes start to shut as I fall into an immediate sleep.


"Blessing! Blessing wake up you have a lesson today!" Krissy shouted shaking me awake. I snap my head up almost snapping my neck. I turn to look at the time to see that it was 2:14 pm my lessons that I agreed to do with Chris Brown start at 2:30. I squeal and jump out the bed and run into my closet to pick something out. Krissy helps me by finding some sweatpants from my drawer. I quickly took off my clothes and got into my other clothes.

"Here." Krissy said throwing throwing the sweatpants at me. I caught them and slipped those on almost falling from rushing too fast. Krissy laughed at me and ran out my room down the stairs. I got my phone and Nike bag and ran after her.

"Get a snack or something and hurry!" She said taking a huge bite out of her apple. I ran in the kitchen and grabbed a pop tart and two water bottles. I run out my house and lock the door behind me. I jump in the car with Krissy.

Two minutes later

I yank open the door and run inside I look to my left and see Chris talking to a lady. To the right I see Zay, Tator, Jalen, a boy with glasses, and a tall guy with red dreads and what looks like a broken arm or something.

"Waddup Tinka? You're eight minutes late you know that right?" Chris spoke to me.

"Yeah I know, I'm sorry I overslept."

"It's all good. Have you met Ayo and Teo?" He asked walking towards them.

"Mhm. Yep. What are ya'll doing here?" I ask them.

"Chris invited us here, not you." Tator said. I glared at him and turned to Chris.

"I invited you all here. I have someone for you to meet Tinka. This is Jessica. She's a music producer/dancer, manager, etcetera. She wanted to meet you." He said introducing me to the lady he was talking to.

"Hello, I'm Blessing." I extend my arm.

"Hi I'm Jessica." She shook my hand.

"Now I've seen a lot and I've heard a lot about you. And You are amazingly talented. Are there any other talents that you may want to work on?" She asked.

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