Chapter |4|

248 18 5

Sorry fa da mistakes bruh


"This is work. We have an entire month to achieve this dance. You need to get it together Tinka, or you won't be known and loved as Tinka The Brave anymore." My manager said.

"You act like I'm not trying. I am trying. This ain't easy ya'know." I say rolling my eyes as I get another drink.

"And besides, it's not like people will stop liking me for one simple dance mistake. I can freestyle this for all I want." I add on.

"Yes I know, but this isn't a freestyle. This is work." He says yet again.

"What the hell do you know about 'work'..?" I ask.

"I lot more than you obviously. At least I can actually do a real dance rather than freestyle." He said, snappy.

"Correction. You don't know more than me, because I'm the dancer. You're the manager. I've been dancing my whole life. You've been sitting on your ass your whole life. At least I actually have a dream. Don't tell me nothing about my dancing if you can't get up and do the shit yourself. Put yourself in my shoes and see how I feel. Dancing is my life. And my dream, my passion, my air. My soul. So you get your shit together here or you can get out. Your choice." I say in full frustration.

He just stood there and looked at me like an idiot.

"Fine. I hope you fail. Miserably." He says harshly.

"Yeah and I hope you rot in hell." I say closing the door behind him. I sighed and run my fingers through my hair. Great. I have no manager, my dance isn't even alined. What am I going to do now? I pick up all my things and leave from the studio. As I head to the car, I'm stopped by a fan. Oh dear lord.

"Tinka oh my goodness! I didn't expect to see you here. Wassup babe?" I smile at her.

"Wassup love? I didn't expect to see you either. Autograph right?" I ask already knowing the drill.

"Yep." She said excitedly. At least she isn't a crazy fan. Otherwise I would've been dead.

I signed her diary and she thanked me and walked away. I got in my car before anyone else came.

My phone started ringing and I connected it to my Bluetooth in my car.

"Hey." I answered to Tae.

"Hey. I got the perfect plan girl! Let's go to the beach! We could be in one of those big beachhouses and have a little party or something." She suggested.

I chuckled. "That sounds nice but, I really don't know."

"Shit. It'll be fun and we need to plan this out beacause I really want to go. I talked to Ry about this too and she agreed." She said.

"Okay. I'll think about that but it can't be this weekend beacause I'm busy all this week. Including the weekend." I explain.

"Oh well how about next week?"

"Yeah that sounds good."

"Okay. Bye Blessin'."

I hang up as soon as I make it home. I get out the car and walk up to my condo door.

"Aye Mami!" Arion yelled. I turned around and he came running towards me. Arion is always waiting by my house to come and flirt with me. He's just a random guy that comes around. I'm fine with him knowing where I live because believe it or not, I can trust him. He says girls don't like him and they're always so mean to him and that I'm the only girl that's nice to him. He's like, fifteen. I chuckle and smile politely.

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