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You know what sucks? Getting your period on vacation while stuck with the person who, at the moment, can't do anything without pissing you off. It doesn't help that your perfectly timed menstrual cycle causes you to have wicked mood swings that can turn you from jolly green giant to the spawn of satan.

Who is this especially annoying person, you may ask? I think you know the answer to that.

Auston and I are currently sitting on the edge of the pier, waiting for everyone to get done in the bathroom. I decided against going because of the hell-length line. Unfortunately, Auston was thinking the same thing. And so here we sit, a few silent feet apart, staring off at random things to occupy the time.

My eyes glaze over the rolling sea and waves crashing onto the shore just below the pier, soaking in all of its sandy salt water glory. A strong breeze continues blowing from my right, breaking me from my trance and forcing me to frantically brush numerous blonde hairs off my face. 

After a minute or so of trying and failing to keep my hair out of my face, I drift back into my thoughts and imagination, this time, looking at the brown-haired boy across from me. He was staring at his phone, completely absorbed in something as his fingers fly across the screen. I lazily gaze at him for a moment before snatching his hat and placing it on my head. This yanks his attention away from his iPhone and directs it to me. He furrows his eyebrows then smirks.

I adjust the hat on my head, making it fit more comfortably and effectively keeping my hair from blowing out to sea. A satisfied grin spreads across my face as I rest my back against the light pole behind me. Auston chuckles, keeping his brown eyes on me. My cheeks heat up despite my best efforts and I give him a quizzical look.

"Why are you laughing?" I ask in a somewhat snippy tone. He raises an eyebrow at my sass before smirking once again, thoroughly making me squirm inside. I throw him another questioning look to show that I'm still waiting for an answer.

"You look good in my hat," he says through his smirk. I narrow my eyes at him, questioning the validity of his statement, but turning up no evidence to support either side of the argument. My cheeks remain steadily tinted pink from his words. 

"I'm serious, Matthews. What are you laughing at?" I try again. Auston throws his hands up in protest as mine cross in front of my chest.

"I'm serious too," he says, scanning over my whole appearance. Does he have to do that? I shift uncomfortably under his gaze, suddenly concerned about slouching and looking bad.

"Okay," I reply in the most unconvincing tone. He rolls his eyes and pulls out his phone. I continue staring at him until I hear the sound of a picture being taken and the mumble of something being blurry. My eyes widen and then narrow at the boy in front of me.

"That better have been of you," I say seriously. He shrugs his shoulders and aims to take another picture. This time, I tilt the hat down and put my hands up so my face isn't in the picture. The sound of another camera shutter goes off just as Steph's boisterous voice becomes audible. 

Auston taps away at his phone then slides it into his pocket, sending me a smirk. I shoot him a brief inquiring look before turning my attention to Steph and Carly who were bounding towards us. They immediately launch into a story about some lady in the bathroom as my phone vibrates in my pocket. 

A notification from Instagram appears on my screen as I unlock my phone without reading the whole thing. The app opens, revealing a picture of me on Auston's account. 


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