If only she wasn't...

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    Val's pov

    Val and Skul were at it again, and they were once again in the caves under Uncle Gordon's house. She has always hated these caves.They just for some odd reason gave her chills down her spine. Even though she has been in much MUCH worse places and situations. Apparently the dastardly duo were looking for whatever a Lord​ orb is. But whatever it is... it must be important to be in these caves. She didn't notice that they were all ready somewhere where she hasn't been. So Val started to feel uneasy, but thank goodness they haven't ran into any magic tracked monsters that want to rip out their flesh. Well ,her flesh at least.

So to break the silence, Val asked "Sooo, what is this Lord Orb you speak of all mighty master?"

"All mighty master..sure, ok val what do u want..I know you u call me fantastic things even though you know I am them obviously there is something you want... So what is it?" Skulduggery said with a little bit of what would she call it... gratitude... no that's not it... was it yes it was like he was giving he a smug smirk through words. Wow, how rude of him and his ego of his. But she knew he was right she does want something, but she can't tell Skul; she wouldn't know how he would react. So she told him something else she wanted.

"Fine you got me. I could really go for a-" just as she was about to say cheeseburger she heard something, somethings that are coming for them and gaining ground fast.

"RUN!!!" Skulduggery yelled to Val as she just started to book it in the way they were going. Val looked back to see Skul catching up, so he wasn't in trouble... for now at least. When Val turned her head and look back she was shocked all she say was a wave of head sized rocks with legs but they were some how some way we're actually gaining on them. After some more sprinting val found herself getting exhausted which can't be the case right now cause thoughs things are still slowly gaining on them. Now she just was looking down and thinking come on, they will go away, just a little bit longer. Even though she was just lieing to herself, she knew her legs out any second now. After a few more meters her legs did what she expected they gave out from under her. But she thought Skulduggery would be the hero he always was and grab her and kept running with her in his arms. But nope all of her luck was on her side today. So she flew into the wave of rock things and just stopped she found herself on the floor but saw nothing and heard nothing. She was just there. She tried to move but somehow she couldn't she felt sweat role down her face and starting to dot the shirt she was wearing. She even thought she was shaking. Shock, she was in shock and she knew it. Also it really doesn't help how she can't stand being claustrophobic. She just starts to freak out. And like a little child she starts bawling. Skulduggery doesn't know this but she wished he did. She tired to call his name but she just found herself bawling. Now she just heard nothing just complete silence.

               Skulduggery​ pov

He looked over and saw nothing. He looked back and saw nothing. He started to become worried. So he ran back the way he came. And saw a rock formation that wasn't there before. "Val.Val are you in there? Are you ok?" Skul yelled and then he heard a slight wimper not of pain but of fear.

                       Val pov

She heard Skul so she tried to speak and actually got something out this time.

"S-Skul... H-help" that is all Skul needed to know and he started to try and break the rocks so he can get to val she didn't know it but Skul was maddly in love with her and he wouldn't want anything and when I say anything I mean ANYTHING happen to her. Val started to get her voice back but she felt light-headed in the process. The rocks were on top oh her but they for some reason the rocks left her head alone for air to breathe. "S-Skul.." "Yes val are you ok?" He sounded a little worried. "I-i feel l-light-headed and like I'm g-going to f-feint..." "No stay with me I know you can, your the great Valkyrie Cain for God's sake your strong, smart, and she usually doesn't feint. So don't go and feint on me know." "O-ok I wo-" and she's gone woops de do she feinted. It was probably the shock and combined with the very high level of claustrophobia she was dealing with right then.

               Skulduggery pov

Now he was legitimately worried he didn't know what was going on under those rocks but he had to stay positive. He knew he did. But he was finally finding a way to chip at the rocks. After about what would he say... two hours he finally got most of her body out and now he could just pull her out now so he did just that. Some how she was out for those two hours or so. So he just brought her up to her room and he put her in the bed and went looking himself.

                        Val pov

After a few more hours of being out she just drifted into sleep. Skulduggery came back without her waking up which was a good thing he thought. She needs her rest. In the morning she finally woke up. She felt very much so stiff. But she got up anyways cause she was wondering where Skulduggery was. She was still in her protective outfit made by the one and only Gastly Bespoke. So she wondered around the house until she found him.. talking to Gordon. "Ah well it took her long enough to wake up from her little extravaganza she had last night." Skul said and Gordon nodded in agreement. If only I wasn't so claustrophobic. Val thought to herself in her head.

Hey guys thanks so much for reading this I think I want to do a part 2 of this one cause I think that storyline is getting good. Well sorry for it being so long but I hope you guys enjoy it anyway.😂😂😁😁😀😀

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