Chapter two:🖤

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Jenna wakes up for the second time today in pain. She didn't even realize she had passed out after Parker kicking her multiple times in the stomach. She lifts up her shirt to look at the damage, as she expected there were a bunch of purple bruises all over her stomach. She thought of getting some ice to put on her bruises she deserved the pain anyways.
Jenna looks out the window and realizes the sun has fully risen, it must've been somewhere around 8:00am. Still sitting on the ground Jenna decides that she needs to get out of the house because she was alone, and as some of you may know being alone in a house that gives you bad memories isn't a good idea.
Jenna thought to herself it was a shame that this house was only filled with anger and depression. If the house maybe had a cute little family one day, with maybe two kids this place could be filled with happiness and joy instead. Jenna used to wish she could one day have a life like that, a loving husband with kids she could love, she realized a long time ago that it will never happen anymore. Sure she wasn't too old yet, Jenna was 22 she could still have a family with kids but she knew that Parker would never let her leave and that dream sure wasn't going to happen with him.
She then stands up, it hurts but she's able to do it. She somehow managed to drag herself to the top of the stairs and get dressed. She looks in the bathroom mirror and see's her face, she sighs because the only word that can come to mind is ugly. Jenna was ugly and she didn't need to be told twice, in high school all the kids made sure she understood that she was ugly.
She puts her hair up in a ponytail not wanting to deal with the energy it would take to brush it. She notices a cut under her eye, it must've been from one of Parkers previous beatings. She doesn't bother to cover it up, maybe it'll scare people away so that they don't talk to her. After putting her hair in a ponytail she managed to walk back down the stairs and out the house. The cold Ohio air greats her as she walks out the door. She never minded the cold, it was just an excuse to bundle up in warm clothes to her.
She checks her phone it reads 9:37am. Parker gets home at 5:00pm so she would have to be home around 4:00pm so that she could make dinner. At least she had sometime to herself. She started to wander the streets of Ohio, she examined other people and wonder what their demons they were fighting through, or if they even had a demon at all. She always thought that wasn't possible. Even the happiest of people had to deal with some kind of demon at some point right?
She thinks about this until she realizes she ended up right at the park entrance, Jenna didn't usually like crowded places and the park today seemed very crowded but for some reason something was urging her to go. She starts walking some random park path with her head down. She brings her head up for a second and sees quite a few people staring at her, she quickly brings her head back down. She wanders why they were staring at her. Was there something wrong with her? She could feel the hot tears weld up in her eyes. She needed to get out of there and she needed to get out of there quick but before she can even turn around she runs right into the back someone. They both stumble and fall to the ground. Everything goes blurry from the tears in her eyes and the hard hit to the head she took when she fell to the ground. She quickly stands up and swipes the tears away from her face. She notices the person she ran into is still on the ground.
"Oh my god I'm so so sorry I didn't mean to run into you I was caught up in my own thoughts. Are you hurt I really didn't mean to I'm so sorry again!"
She realizes the person she ran into is a boy he had a shocked and amused look on his face.
He laughs.
"It's okay I understand it was just a mistake no big deal"
The boy that she has yet to find out his name stands up. He reaches out his hand for a hand shake.
"Hi I'm Tyler, and you may be?"

Short little filler for the next chapter 😉
Your author

Solicitude//Jyler Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora