Kenshirou X Guard (Fem) Reader!!: Dog Vs Doll

Start from the beginning

    "Y/n seems moody. I hope she's ok..." Hitoshi said.

"Don't worry about her, she's probably on her period or something." Inori replied.

Hitoshi shook her head, "No, she's usually a lot more mean when she's on her period. Something's bothering her. To be more specific, Supervisor Kenshirou is bothering her."

"Why would you think that?" He replied to the blonde cross dresser.

"It's obvious! Her attitude toward you is nothing like I've seen her before."

"Probably gave the kid too much papers..." Hajime said while lighting a cigarette.

"It's not that, either. She usually gets her paperwork done in a blink..." Seitaro said.

"This conversation is pointless." Kenshirou said.

"Not unless you confess to her." Samon butted in.

"What did you just say, Monkey?!"

"It's painfully obvious that you're in love." Kiji added.

"It's not like she'll return my feelings..."

"Why don't you go find out?" Seitaro smiled.

     Kenshirou saw you training. Twirling your wooden training blades as your breasts lightly bounced to your movements and strikes. You threw one sword high up in the air, twirling as you performed a 360 blade slice and struck an oxygen human in the neck. You stayed that way until the other wooden sword fell back down and you caught it with one hand. Kenshirou blushed and approached closer. "That damn dog..."you growled as you twirled your blades. "Who does he think he is? Calling himself a better fighter than me?" He heard you grumble.

"...You heard that?" Kenshirou suddenly said, making you lose focus and dropping one of your wooden blades.

"More like 634 did."

"Seems like something he would do..." Kenshirou replied.

"What do you want?" You asked, continuing to twirl your swords on either side of your body.

"I'm sorry for what I said." He looked down, "I should've never underestimated your skills. But still, I'm not one to speak from experience."

You stopped everything and made full contact with him. You walked over and pointed a single wooden blade at him, "What are you saying?"

He put a gloved hand on your training sword, "How would you like to settle the score? You against me. Your twin blades against my whip." He smirked, making you blush.

Damn his looks, you thought. "Sounds fair enough." You replied returning a smirk.

When your back turned, Kenshirou admired your figure. You were sweating a little on your forehead meaning that you were serious. He traced your curves up and down with his beautiful, pink eye. You replaced your training swords with the real deal. On cue, you both made your way in the middle of the the track. He prepared his whip, you prepared your twin blades. "Begin!" He snapped.

You were the first to charge, gathering up all your weight from your feet and to your fingers. You threw yourself at your supervisor and in a blink, you managed to cut his cheek. He felt the fresh wound, surprised at your speed. You straightened your back and waited for his turn. He didn't so you struck again, cleanly slicing the fingers of his left glove off and cutting 1/3 of his pink cape off. He realized you didn't actually want to hurt him. He cracked his whip at you, teasing you and making you blush at a kinky thought in your mind. You cocked your head until you realized he was no longer in front of you, but behind you. Somehow, he managed to wrap his whip around both of your wrists and pulling them so they were now behind your head. In the process, dropping your blades. He caught one of them and held it near your throat, showing that he'd won. "You can let me go now..."

"Why would I when I have the perfect chance?"

"What chance?" He grabbed your face and turned it toward him and lightly kissed you.

"Y'know, you should really put on a shirt..." He said in the kiss and groping you.

"H-hey!" You said, pulling away. "You can touch me later. Right now, we're at work~" You said seductively.

Kenshirou growled in your ear, "As you wish my little puppy~"

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