Kyle started kissing her all over her cheek. She giggled. "Yes you are!" He continued to kiss her.

Kyle had been doing so well with his depression. Infact, ever since Karson was born it was like he finally had someone to really make him feel better. She was definitely the therapy he needed. If he was sad and upset one day, he'd go and cuddle Karson and he'd feel much better afterwards. Karson was always up for her daddy's cuddles.

"Come on you two." I shooed them out of the kitchen. I wiped the sweat off of my forehead and tha flour from my hands on to my apron. "Mummy has a lot to do."

Kyle came over to kiss me on the forehead before whisking Karson out of the kitchen.

"Shall we go and play princesses?" Asked Kyle, Karson smiled and jumped out of his arms. She began to pull him along the floor.

I smiled. I loved my little family so much. Kyle was an exceptional father, I always knew he would have been. Things were hard, I was young and most of my childhood was wasted looking after Karson. I wouldn't have changed it for the world, Karson was the best thing that could have ever happened to us. I couldn't wait now until Kian was greeted to the world. I only had to wait a few months now.

As soon as the cake was in the oven, I decided to go and see Kyle and Karson. I went into the living room. A princess film was blaring from the TV whilst Kyle sat on one of Karson's pink stools. She was beside him trying tiara's on her head and little plastic necklaces around his neck.

I leaned against the doorway. I was suppressing the urge to giggle. He looked so big next to all of Karson's things.

"Are you two having fun?" I asked as I moved to the sofa. Karson smiled my way and giggled.

"Daddy looks so pretty." She giggled again.

"I do don't I? Am I a real princes yet?" Karson nodded enthusiastically. Kyle chuckled before pulling her tiny frame closer to his larger one. "Daddy's just going to make himself a cup of tea, okay?" Karson began whining.

"I haven't finished with you yet." She pouted. She was absolutely adorable. She always had been.

"Do you not want one?" Kyle asked playfully.

"Milk." She demanded.

"What's the magic words?"

"Abracadabra!" She shrieked.

"You're a little tease aren't you?" He hugs her close. "But that's not the right answer."

"Please?" Kyle kissed her cheek.

"Of course my little girl." He got up from the pink stool and made his way into the kitchen. Karson came running over to sit on my lap. I snuggled her close.

After a few seconds she decided to play with her toys. She was playing with her pretend kitchen when she trapped her finger in the plastic door. She started crying.

I shot up from the sofa to go and see her.

"Let me see." I said. She held out her finger. There wasn't anything there, thankfully. "Oh no, come here." I took her in my arms.

"Poorly." She said quietly as the tears leaked from her eyes. I didn't have chance to say anything else before Kyle came barrelling out of the room.

"Oh dear, baby, are you okay?" He wiped the tears from her eyes and she reached out for him. Kyle took her into his arms.

"Hurts, daddy."

"Oh, baby, let me kiss it." She held her finger out to Kyle for a kiss. She giggled when he pretended to eat it.

"Do you love me daddy?" She asked. Kyle had been telling her he loved her ever since she was born and it was the only thing that would make Karson happy. She was the biggest daddy's girl ever.

"I do love you very much." Karson giggled. "Do you know who else I love very much?"

"Mummy!" She yelled. I smiled.

"Who does daddy love more?" I played. I didn't know how Karson was going to cope when Kian was born, she hated Kyle's attention on anyone else but her. She was going to have a shock when it wasn't just her anymore.

"Me!" I pretended to gasp at her response.

It wasn't long before Karson was playing with her toys again quite happily. It wouldn't be long until it was her bath time and bed. She hated going to bed, she was happy playing with her toys and watching films but Kyle and I made sure she had a routine when it came to bed time.

Kyle came down to sit next to me. He changed the channel to a football game that was on. Karson wasn't too happy that he turned her princess programme off but it only took Kyle's sweet talking and the promise of ice cream tomorrow to make her cave.

"How's my baby?" Kyle whispered. I looked to him and snuggled in close to his warm body.

"Quiet today." I smiled. He was a kicker, he kicked more than Karson ever did.

"Good." He kissed the top of my head. "We've done well haven't we?" We looked to our little girl. We had done well. We had done more than well. We had done so well with bringing up Karson already even when times were hard. She was so polite and crazily funny. She was our pride and joy.

"We have."


"Yes?" I asked. I looked to him.

"I fucking love love love you." He stated. I slapped his bicep lightly as he chuckled.

"Language!" I scolded.

But I fucking love love love him too.

Forever and always.

THE MAN BENEATH ME, is a story on Karson!! On my profile right now:) - Dreamerse

Just a short epilogue! Hope you enjoyed the journey with Cali and Kyle!

Thank you so much for reading this, I had so much fun writing it. I hope you remember this story for agesssss and never forget the journey of Kyle and Cali.


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