Don't touch me.

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Zayn placed me onto the bed kissing every part of my body, as i moaned uncontrollably, as Zayn thrusted into me, until we heard the door open, it was Louis, Liam, Niall, Harry and Avery came walking in as i screamed reaching for the covers and placing it over me, i ran into my closet putting on my bra and undies i came out. I could see Niall just staring at my body scanning every part. 

"Well, we weren't expecting this" Louis said with a cheeky grin on he's face as he winked to Zayn.

"Well you could of knocked" I said annoyed at the fact that Niall was still staring.

"Whatcha staring at blondy" Harry said to Niall.

"Erm..Nothing." Niall said as he looked away.

We headed towards the sitting room and turned on the tv as i got up to go to my room and get dressed properly as i was still in my undies and bra, I was getting changed when i heard a knock on the door.

"COME IN" i yelled.

It was Niall, what did he want? 

"Niall are you lost?" I said giggling.

"I just can't controll myself when i saw you today in your bra and undies, there are so many things i could do to you, but can't." He said with half a smile.

"Niall, i'm sorry but i'm with Zayn and i can't do that to him." I said to him looking all confused.

Niall came closer towards me and grabbed me around the waist.

"I wish i had you" He said while bitting his lip. 

At that moment Zayn came in, he had the biggest shock on his face.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?" Zayn yelled.

Zayn approched Niall like he was going to murder him, he was burning with anger.

"Zayn..Zayn baby relax, nothing happened, i promise you with my life, nothing happened." i said trying to calm him down.


I stared at Zayn as i backed away from him.

"It's not true Adriana." He said trying to take hold of me.

"No, don't touch me" I said while grabbing my clothes and ran out of the house into my car and drove off.

I just want to hold you and not let you go <3Where stories live. Discover now