Chapter 1

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A/N: Listen to the song while reading this chapter!!!!

Akuma's P.O.V.

"Get up Akuma." my mother said. "Five more minutes." I said trying to get back to sleep. "Get up right now! You're going to be late for your first day of ninja missions." my mother yelled. I reluctantly got out of bed. "Is dad going to see me off."  I ask. "I'm sorry sweetie." she says looking at the ground. "It's okay... He is hokage after all." I say looking down sadly. (A/N: Hehe. Her dad is Minato Namikaze

"I better hurry. Itachi-kun will be mad at me if I'm late." I say rushing to get dressed. "Okay sweetie. Don't forget to eat." she says before walking out of my room. I quickly put on my ninja outfit. Before I left the house I grabbed an apple. This was going to be my breakfast. I walked outside towards mine and Itachi's hangout. It was by the swing near the academy. I have no idea why we wait there for each other. I guess it's because that's where we first met.

~Flashback brought to you by ANBU Itachi~

Four year old me was sitting on the swings when a group of bullies showed up. "Look at the loser." one of them said pushing me off of the swings. They kept hitting and beating on me until someone threw a rock at them.

"Leave her alone! What did she ever do to you?" the person yelled as they stood in front of me. I looked up to notice it was an Uchiha boy. After he had shown them kids up, he turned around and looked at me. "What's your name?" he asked. "Akuma Namikaze. You?" I ask. "Itachi Uchiha." he said as he gave me a closed eyed smile.

"You're not gonna treat me different because I'm the Fourth Hokage's kid are you?" I ask looking at the ground. "No." Itachi says. "Why not?" I asked​ looking at him shocked. "Well, because to me you're just another person." he says standing up. I smile at that. He's the first person to say that to me. He reaches his hand out for me to grab. "Wanna be friends?" he asks me. "I'd like that." I say as I take his hand.

~End of Flashback~

I smile at the memories. "What ya smiling about Akuma-chan?" Itachi asks. "Just the memory of the day we met, Itachi-kun." I say. "We should get going before Yūki-sensei gets mad at us." Itachi says as we head to the Konohagakure gates.

A/N: That's chapter one! Hope you guys like it. I worked pretty damn hard on it. Thank you so much for reading this! I'll try to update as often as I can!

~Pretty Little Psycho~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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