Marta's Changing. (Aged 13)

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Marta has changed

Her body rearranged,

One day her dress stained

So, Ama Kai explained

About 'Eve's monthly curse'

But in fact, what was worse

Was that men,

Black, and white

Frightened her

With their looks.

Slaves must not mate

Except on the dates

That the Baas decreed,

Any babies, if born

One day were torn

From their mothers

And sold

For gold

Up Country.

Marta asked Ama Kai


 This was

She was told,

Just do your task

Do not ask

Why the river runs deep

Just keep


In the dark

Of the night

Marta thought she just might

One day

Run away.

                                     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Owain Glyn

Marta.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora