Chapter 6

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I wandered around the hallway with Tobi and Itachi trailing after me, Kushina kept screaming about people being gay and stuff...

We finally came to a door, which Tobi mashed open.

"GOOOOOOOOOD MORNING MY FELLOW SHINOBI!" Tobi screamed out with his hands above his head and his head back. I sighed and walked in after him and slapped his head. My eyes pierced into all the shinobi trying to attacking us with their eyes, Itachi came up behind me and rested his head on mine.

"Alright bitches I'll only say this once..... fuck you." I calmly stated, Madara and Tobirama explained to me that I should strike fear into their hearts at the first meeting. In a corner I could see Naruto laughing his ass off and falling on the ground, clutching his stomach and cackling.

"Mah, mah Shi-Chan... dont swear." Itachi drawled out as he put his arms around me. Kushina kept swearing up a storm.

'AH HELL NAH! THIS UCHIHA DONT DISSERVE SHI KOBITO!' Kushina shrieked in my head as she saw Itachi glaring at every male in the room.

"Itachi get off." I grounded out under my breath. Sasuke staring over at us in shock and pure anger, just as he was about to run over and attack us... a large poof spread across the room  as a large figure stepped out of the smoke.


Sorry for the short chapter. I have not had time to write and this was the farthest I got, plus I bet most of you would have cried if you didn't have this person writing *Madara hair flip*

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