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Beep! Beep! Beep!

 "Shut it off," My 12 year old sister, Kitty, whines. I sigh and tap the snooze button on my phone before pushing myself out of bed. 

"Sorry, Maya," I mumble as I pass where she was laying on the floor. Maya came up with the nickname Kitty years ago for God knows what reason and she's yelled at anyone who calls her otherwise. 

She rolls over and pulls the blanket over her head but I lean down and pull it right off her. 

"Come on, Kitty. You need to start getting ready," I tell her, throwing the blanket on my bed to ensure that she'd have to get up to get it back. Knowing Kitty, once she's up, she won't go back down. 

I leave her to mentally prepare before getting into the shower. I strip of my pajamas and step into the already-running water. I flinch as the hot water hits my shoulders, but the sting of the temperature is soon numbed and I'm left dwelling in it. 

After a few minutes of just standing in the steam, I start washing my hair as well as my body. When I'm done, I step out and wrap a towel tightly around my chest. I pull out the blow dryer and plug it on.

Within 10 minutes, my hair is fully dried and pulling into a high ponytail. I then take my outfit that was already planned out and waiting for me on the counter of the bathroom. I put on my bra and underwear before pulling the black Champion crop top over my head and then pull the baggy ripped jeans up my legs. 

I then exit the bathroom and walk into my bedroom to find Kitty sitting on my made bed, waiting for me. I smile at her and lightly shove her shoulders in the direction of the bathroom, telling her to brush her hair and teeth without saying a word. 

Kitty, my mother and I live in a one-story house in Nashville, Tennessee. My dad left after Kitty was born because he found that raising a family was 'too complicated'. So it's just been the 3 of us for about 12 years now. 

"Ready?" I ask as soon as the bathroom door opens. Kitty nods at my slightly and grabs her backpack off of the chair. I follow after her actions. 

"Bye mom!" Both Kitty and I yell as we walk out of the house. 

"Bye! I love you both!" She yells back from her bedroom. She doesn't seem to leave her bedroom much anymore. 

We walk the few miles to the middle school. 

"I'll see you after school!" I call to Kitty as she starts to run towards the front door. She raises her arm up, giving me a thumbs up without turning back.

I turn around and walk to few miles to the high school that's only a few blocks away. My phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out and check the message as I continue to walk to school. 

{Aubrey}: Bro where are you? Schools about to start!! Tell me your close!!

{Me}: I'm turning the corner now. I'll be there before the bell rings.

I run to the door and open it as the bell rings marking the beginning of the day. Students start piling into their classrooms as I run to mine. 

"Mrs. Vance. I had a family problem while getting here. Can I go put my stuff in my locker?"  I ask my teacher. She nods with a smile. 

. . . 

I stand by my locker scrolling through my phone waiting for Aubrey to come from her last class of the day. Drama.

 She rounds the corner and grabs my arm, pulling me out the doors. I laugh and put my phone in my pocket. I run with her to the middle school to pick up Kitty. Kitty smiles when she sees me but frowns when she sees Aubrey. 

"What is she doing here?" She whispers to me. 

"She had to come," I say. She frowns again and we run home. I go straight to my bedroom. 

"So I have to show you someone I have recently discovered," Aubrey smiles.

 "He's nothing like Zach, right?" I question. She shrugs and smiles opening my laptop and logging into my YouNow. She searches him up and we soon figure out that he was currently live. 

 We were 1 in 120+ people watching. She hands me the laptop and tells me to work my 'magic'. I laugh and type something. 

SydneyKing: Hey you should guest me ;)

Hunter reads my comment and laughs. He guests me and I accept. 

"Hey," He smiles before looking up. His jaw drops. 

"What?" I ask. He coughs and shrugs.

 "Um. Nothing," He says with a nervous chuckle. I read a comment.

HuntersBooty: Someone has a crush. *Cough* *cough* Hunter!

 I laugh and look over at Hunter who was smiling at me.

. "What?" I ask again trying not to giggle. 

"You have Instagram?" He asks. I nod. 

. "What is it?" He asks. He doesn't seem to lose his smile. 

"SydneyKing," I tell him. He nods and goes on Instagram instantly following me. I laugh and follow him back. 

"You should hit my line later." He winks at me causing me to grin.

 "Maybe I will." I laugh. He smiles a very cheesy grin and laughs. We talk for like 2 hours on Instagram after he ends the broadcast. 

{HunterRowland}: You got a phone?

{SydneyKing}: Yeah. Why? You think you so smooth you can get my digits.

{HunterRowland}: I was hoping I could get more than just the digits ;)

{SydneyKing}: Woah calm down there.

{HunterRowland}: I was joking. But seriously you should give me the digits.

{SydneyKing}: Tell me why I should.

{HunterRowland}: Cause I'm desperate to get the digits duh

{SydneyKing}: Convincing. Fine its 617-***-****

{HunterRowland}: I GOT THE DIGITS!!!!

{SydneyKing}: Excited much? lol. I'm going to go to bed. I'll talk to you tomorrow? It's 9:30 here and I'm like hella tired.

{HunterRowland}: Yeah. I'll talk to you tomorrow then. It's 7:30 in Phoenix. Get some rest. Good night gorgeous.

{SydneyKing}: Gorgeous? First, you get the digits now you giving compliments if you have a girlfriend she needs to keep you forever.

{HunterRowland}: Nope. I'm single as a Pringle.

{SydneyKing}: Really? You should have all the girls swarming over you. You're like Hella hot.

Instead of deleting the message I send it.

 "Oh shit," I mumble.

{HunterRowland}: Hella hot? Wow, thanks. ;)

I giggle at how cool he was with me calling him hot. I lay my head down on my pillow and smile. 

"Hunter Rowland. Hunter Rowland. Hunter Rowland." My brain repeats over and over again. I fall asleep with the thought of him on my mind. Hunter Rowland.


I completely revised the first part but then I got tired so I just fixed some grammar errors in the last part. 

Internet Bestie| Hunter RowlandTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang