sometimes i hate april 1st

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(btw im kinda busy rn but i needed to rant)

if you think its okay to post screamers/possibly seizure inducing/triggering images (like gore) without warning, and brush it off as "an april fool's joke" then get out. please try not to talk to me, or interact with me.
if you think its okay to post something like... i dunno... saying you're gonna kill yourself.. as a joke... then... you can get out too.
it is NOT okay to just suddenly act all suicidal and depressed out of the blue as a joke. it can make people think you ACTUALLY killed yourself. do NOT do that shit. it absolutely terrifies me when i think one of my friends is in any sort of danger.
please, please just do a harmless prank instead. switch all the cereal. change the places of bottles. hide all your mom's socks under her bed or on a chair. put saran wrap across the hallway. just please, please don't do shitty stuff to people.

 just please, please don't do shitty stuff to people

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