to all my friends, followers, and readers

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if you're feeling down, or sad, or even like you want to die...
please don't forget that i care about you.
you have probably been through a lot. and it's probably very hard to deal with. i haven't had that bad of a life, but some of my friends have, and i know that people can have pretty sh!t lives.
but, just look at yourself.... you've made it so far! i'm really proud of you. even if you don't think so, or believe me.
you've done e best you can, and you're here right now, either reading this or listening to it being read to you.
you got through your troubles this far. if you've done that, you can do anything, even live another day, when you think you'll fall apart at any second. i believe in you. i care about you. i know we can get through this.
your life means so, so much. if not to others, or even yourself, you still mean something to me.
i promise, it will get better. maybe not in an hour, or a day, or in a year, but... it will. maybe you'll eat some really good food, or share some laughs, or even crack a smile at a really bad joke.
and when you fall to the ground, get back up. i'll be there to help you to your feet.
and if no one is there, then get up. get up to fight back. don't let the world beat you. if its done sh!t to you, then stay alive. stay alive just to spite the world. stay alive so that you can kick the world's ass.
friend, life is beautiful.
the grass outside is beautiful.
the birds chirping are beautiful.
all the people in the world are beautiful.
you are beautiful.

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