Training Day

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My lovely readers I'm unsure about this chapter. So you guys please tell me how you feel about it ,either in the comment box or inbox. Thanks guys~❤~
The walk to the gym was a bit long and tiresome.I was glad I was finally there. As I opened the gym door, I felt a little chill.I was too nervous. My palms were literally sweating.

"Hi,Michael right? We met on Saturday and I'm supposed to start my  work out today.."
"Oh yeah. I remember you. Reese. I'm just gonna set you up with a trainer who'll guide you in your workouts,"he replied.
He led the way into the main gym.Lacey and I walked slowly right behind him.For some funny reason she kept giggling. Turns out,she was nervous too.
It was four in the evening and the gym was almost empty.Michael walked up to some guy who was lifting weights on the other end of the room.He appeared to be well built for stuff like underwear commercials and stuff like that,or whatever he was doing now.Being a gym trainor.The guy put down his weights and looked towards our direction,to which michael was pointing.He stood up and walked slowly towards us .He looked like the kind of person who liked to take his time.

"Hi. I'm Jason. Your trainor,"he said as he extended his arm for a handshake.My eyes suddenly started trailing all over him.

OMG I had never seen a guy this beautiful in my entire real life. I thought guys like these were never real.They we're supposed to only exist in movies.He was in short a fantasy kind of a guy.Honestly calling him handsome was an understatement.

He had a deep shed of a blend of blue and green eyes. His chin was perfectly shaped into what seemed to be a rift between a V and a U.Not too long ,not too short,a bit hairy, just enough to turn me on.His side buns slid beautifully down his cheecks,that gave an illusion of some dimples forming as he tried to curve a smile.His lips were perfectly designed into two thin lines.Daaaaamn!they were pink.piiiiink.Too perfect if you ask me.His eyebrows were lifted and a little bushy just how I liked them.His nose.. Not too pointed, kinda like the one everyone else was going for nose jobs to get.Just perfect.He had long hair,a dark shed of brown, which was tied nearly to a pony tail. He looked like he was in his early ,if not mid 20's.

He was wearing a white vest that completely exposed his marvelous arm tattoos. There was a huge dragon tattoo on his left arm and one of what seemed like an angry tiger on his right one.There were many other tatoos that I could not make out what they were.I could visibly see his protruding muscles through that sweaty vest that hugged him tight.

I was still studying his heavenly  features when I realised his hand still hanging, waiting for my handshake.Believe it or not, I had studied all these features in under 20 seconds. I blushed a little when I realised he had noticed I was staring at him. It was quite embarrassing.
"Reece,nice to meet you,"I replied  as I shook his hand. I admit I hated sweaty hands but this particular one I didn't mind. But I had to draw my hand quickly from him before I started feeling things (which I was already feeling  to be honest).
I had been on this treadmill for the past 10 minutes, still running at 45 km/hr,a speed at which atleast I could manage to run at,and was already feeling like a dead person. Lacey was sitted on one of the gum benches,just on her phone,as always.

I was sweating like a pig and losing my breath by the 28th minute. I didn't want to quit ,or rather couldn't, especially now when I was left with 2 minutes and the super hot trainer was staring at me the whole time, which kinda made it hard for me to work out but made me push myself.

I gave a sigh of relief when the timer stopped. It had been a good thirty minutes in hell. I wasn't sure whether to take water or what the rules for work out were, but this thirst was killing me. I just grabbed my water bottle and swallowed large amounts of water into my mouth. Oh God that was refreshing.
"What next,"I asked Jason anxiously, waiting for him to show me my next exercise.
"Go home.we're done for the day"he replied.

Wait.. Was did I really suck that bad that he had to send me home after the first thirty minutes of training?
"What? "I asked as if I hadn't heard him the first time.
"I said, go home,"he repeated.
"Yeah, I heard you the first time.Question is, 'but why'  I've just started my training, "I complained in my head.
As if he had read my thoughts, but mostly  I think he read the confused expression on my face, he responded,
"You don't overwork your body on your first day."

Well, he was the master and I the servant.I had nothing over him. After all,a student never questions the master. I guess I had to go.
"See you tomorrow, same time?"he Made it sound like I had a choice.
"You bet,"I said as I picked up my gym bag and walked towards Lacey. She was all smiles and I never bothered to ask. I assumed she was probably happy for me.

This boy Jason was stuck in my head. I couldn't get him out no matter how much I tried. I mean, I had just met him for like less than an hour but he took my mind to places.
He was the only thing I saw when I closed my eyes.I tried to think about anything else but I couldn't.

Turns out, the reason why Lacey was happy was because Nikki was coming over.So she was getting  some tonight.I could hear the moans through the not-so-thick walls. The two were having sex ,on a Monday.. I mean, who comes over for sex on a Monday. Who has sex on Mondays people.These two being a weird couple did weird stuff. I wasn't surprised.

The moaning was too loud. I could still hear them through my ear plugs,and they we're the thickest I had.

I put a pillow over my head, all the way to my ears. This at least helped.
Jason was still in my head. I pictured him over and over again. His features, his face, his voice, his eyes, Oh Lorrd.
I swear I had never felt something like this in my life. His eyes were now at the top of my list of my dream guy's eyes .Even Ty dollar sign's eyes were no match for that. I had even stripped him naked and imagined how it would feel being in his strong arms, how I would feel if I had him inside my sheets, making love to him like there was no tomorrow.

But wait a minute. These were just stupid teenage fantasies.No guy would ever want a girl like me, most especially not a guy like him. I didn't even think I came close to the person he would have sex with if we were the last people on earth and God wanted us to procreate and fill the earth. I was just wasting my time thinking of something that would never happen,not even in mine or anyone else's wildest dreams.

I was even wondering what he thought of me especially that he had found me staring at him the moment we met."He must think I'm some kind of ugly slut, or a creep, "I thought to myself. I seriously felt disgusted by myself.

I don't know how long it took but I finally dozed off.

Thanks for your support guys. I love you so much. I dedicate this chapter to all of you guys. I can't be able to tag all of you, but know that I love and adore you lots.I'll keep updating whenever I can. Most probably one or two chapters a day.
                          ~Hillary ❤~

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