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Sorry.. This is my first wattpad book.. The first chapter is short coz it's kinda the introduction. Please read and vote.. There are more surprises in the book.. Hope you enjoy.... Please comment on what you feel about the book.. Your comments are highly appreciated..

"I'm sorry Dean.. But this thing between us is over",that was me speaking to me most popular guy in school.. I know what y'all are thinking.. No.. We're not dating. Thing is we have been having casual sex on Thursdays.. which I realised he was using me for.

He acts like he doesn't know me at all when we're in public. He bullies me like the rest.. Who am I kidding.. Even the nerds don't want to be seen with me... Yet I always find myself going back to him.

"Mamasita.. You can't do this to me.. You know your pussy makes my week worth"..wait.. Did he just call me a whore.. Yeah right he did... And it stung preeeety bad.

"I'm sorry Dean.. I'm tired of being your sex toy. This has to end."standing up to the most irresistible boy in school was the hardest thing to do..

"Whatever bitch.. We both know I was doing you a favor.. I don't need you anyway.bitch you're fat and ugly..nobody wants you.. You we're just the thursday whore.. Now I need to find a new pussy for thursdays".That cut..really deep..I must admit I wasn't surprised.. Dean Winchester could get whatever he wanted whenever he wanted it.. I guess that's what you get for being that rich and that hot.

He pushed past me and went back to the party like nothing had just happened..Even though I expected it, I felt like shit for letting myself be used by him .

I was never invited to parties.This was a school 12th grade party so all had to come. I wanted to go home so bad but Lacey, my roommate and almost the only friend I had "confiscated "my pair of house keys so that I could stay for the whole party.

Suddenly.. My mind shifted to what Dean had just said to me.What he had said to me brought back the scars I was trying to bury deep within me. I had struggled with being fat almost all of my life. I was picked on by most for that fact. My siblings and my mother always felt the urge to rub it on my face. This caused me to eat much more than I did before.

Food was my only consolation. For the past six years since my dad left, I have burried myself in what led to my mysery.. "NO.. DON'T.. REEESE.. DON'T LET WHAT HE SAID GET INTO YOUR HEAD... NOO... "I was trying to push these thoughts far away from me.. I decided to go back to the party.. Or better still, to the bathroom to cry my heart out.

I made sure not to produce sounds as I cried.I never liked drawing attention, and neither am I going to start now..

"OMG.. She kissed you?.. Ew!. That's like kissing a dead person. So gross.. Did she like shove her tongue into your mouth.... "
That voice was familiar.. That's when it dawned to me what they were were talking about or rather who..
ME!!!! I was fucking stupid.. I had read the wrong signs from someone just yesterday.. Nina Dowbrah..she had always been nice to me.. This is what made me have a crush on her.. Stupid me.. I even had no idea about what my sexuality was. I was confused as hell.

She was friends with the popular chics in 12the grade,but different from all of them..she had kind eyes.. Her smile was the cutest with those slightly deep dimples. She was super adorable.. So the previous day, we were alone in the girl's bathroom when she asked me to adjust her bra strap.So "maybe, just maybe,"I thought to myself.. The universe was probably sending me a sign ..I adjusted her bra strap nervously not knowing what to expect.. She just kept smiling and giggling the whole time..
I don't know what came over me.. But I just grabbed her by her waist when she turned around and just smashed our lips together.

Funny enough she didn't resist. She just went with the flow. I was surprised because she was kissing me back. I was beginning to feel the moment when she suddenly pushed me away and stormed out of the washrooms. That's when I realised what had just happened .What I had just done .how stupid I was.I had just embarrassed my self big time.. I had to avoid her the whole of yesterday and today.

So here we are.. I'm still inside the washroom cying as Nina is telling the "tale" to her friends.
"It's no big deal guys.. I admit I gave her the wrong message"she quickly stood up to her friend jara's comment.

Thing is, when it comes to these girls there is nothing like no big deal.. These chics could make a mountain out of a grain of dust. "besides.. She's nice. "Nina continued." It doesn't matter whether she is nice or not.. Point is.. She's fat. And everyone knows if you're fat.. You're an ugly bitch ."Gawd.. That was nia... I haaated nia.. She was too perfect and too judgy as expected.

All their insults kept sinking deeper into me. I was so happy that this was the last year I had to go through this.. High school had been hell.. My last year wasn't any better..

So I have been in this washroom for the past thirty minutes listening to me being insulted. I've had enough. I just get off the toilet seat and storm out of the washrooms, my eyes red and swollen as hell. I entered the hall and ran to wherever last I had seen Lacey. She didn't have to ask. She just handed me my keys without a word.

Our apartment was a bit far from the school but I chose to run there instead of taking a cab. At this point I didn't need any sort if comfort from anyone. Let alone a cab driver. When I reached our apartment,I just went straight to bed..no jammys on.

So.. This is the end of my short introduction.. Feel free to comment, criticize and vote for the book.. Love you guys.
~Hillary ❤~


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