"Where are we going first?" I ask him as he puts the car in reverse.

"Marlsgate. We're going to the campus library since that's where he volunteers at."


Before long, Nathan gets us on the highway going north toward Buckhead. He keeps a steady but fast pace, staying right behind Doyle's car. We speed down the expressway, passing by the exit signs and all the other vehicles. I'm quiet during some part of the ride.

I still feel Erika. She's stirring inside me, though not as strongly as before. It'll probably change when I see Reuben again, which makes my palms clammy. How will he react when he's going to get arrested? Will he remain relaxed and come quietly? What if he snaps and becomes violent? That's the thing. You never know with people sometimes. Their behavior can change in a split second if the situation isn't handled well.

I fix my gaze out the windshield and breathe deeply in an attempt to calm myself. My stomach wrings itself out with unease, forming into all one huge knot.

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you," Nathan starts all of a sudden. "remember the clump of dried blood and hair you found on that one trophy?"


"I took it to the lab last night before leaving work and asked if they could perhaps examine the two, see who it belonged to."

"And did they?"

"Yes. They got back to me this morning. The hairs are from Ben, and so is the blood."

I stare at Nathan with wide eyes. "Really? They're his?"

He nods. "I told you something happened at Reuben's place. When you showed me the blood on the carpet, then the hairs on the trophy, I knew. The way Ben died sounded a bit far-fetched. There had to have been something else."

"So did Reuben killed him, too?"

"Most likely. Whether it was for self-defense or to murder him, I don't know. I suppose we'll have to find out when we take him in for questioning," Nathan says.

I think to myself. Well, this is just peachy. Now not only is Reuben Erika's murderer, but he's also Ben's. He took the trophy from his shelf and clonked it over Ben's head, killing him instantly. Which explains the blood on the carpet. I'm starting to wonder if these killings are intentional. Just from how Nathan explained it to me, and with us hearing out Erika's relatives and friend. It sounds too coincidental.

Although, it's not so much Reuben's intention that makes me wonder. It's Ben.

Why in the world was he at Reuben's place? What was he doing there? Did he find something out, like knowing Reuben took Erika out? Was he killed for knowing too much? It'd make sense, but, like Nathan put it, we won't know for certain until Reuben starts talking.

We veer off the I-75 ramp and turn a corner. We stop at a few traffic lights before the building of Marlsgate comes into view. Nathan slows, then pulls into the university, passing the main campus, the dorms, and a few other buildings. Once we arrive at the library, he eases the vehicle into a parking space beside Doyle's. Nathan turns off the ignition and opens his door. I almost open mine, but he stops me.

"You can't come," he says.

"Why not?" I ask.

"For your protection."

"Protection? Nate, I'll be fine. I got you and Officer Doyle to protect me."

"No. You have to stay in here."

"Then what was the point in—?"

"You've helped solve the case. I want you to be able to see but you can't come. I don't want you getting hurt in case things get out of control."

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