Chapter 30

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After the memory fades, I blink. That one was so vivid that I could sense the animosity between Erika and that guy. Apparently, he found out about her relationship with Adrian. The question now is who? Though I'm not sure exactly, the voice from the memory did sound familiar. I have a funny feeling I've heard it from somewhere before...

Suddenly, a loud sound fills the air once, which startles me out of my reverie. Then it comes back a second time, lasting a little longer. I try to orient myself and see where I am.

Oh, crap. I'm still driving on the road. Only difference is that the car isn't on the lane it's supposed to be in. It somehow veered off onto the other side of the road. The wrong side. It must've happened when I had Erika's memory. Straight ahead of me is a red SUV, coming in my direction, the driver honking their horn.

I gasp as my foot slams on the brakes, tires screeching against the pavement. At the same time, my hands lift off the steering wheel. I haven't the faintest idea why—as my hands should be doing the exact opposite of that, like holding to the wheel for dear life—but I do it and brace myself for oncoming impact. I cringe, waiting for the moment to happen. But it doesn't come. Instead, everything stops. The car horn, the screeching, the motion of Mom's car moving. No crash has occurred.

Or has it, and I've been luckily taken out before even realizing it?

I touch my face, feeling every square inch of it. It feels real like it should. No cuts, dents, or fractures. I look down at my pale arms and hands, making sure they're still there. They are, thankfully. My legs are still intact. I look around me in the car. Did I stop in time?

I muster up the courage to lift my eyes from the dashboard to the road. The driver who honked their horn at me brought their vehicle to a halt as well. Their front bumper is just inches from mine. We happened to stop in time before colliding into each other. A part of me feels relieved but there's something else. Something's wrong with me. I feel faint. My chest is burning and my head is spinning. I inhale a large breath in, gulping the precious air back into my lungs. I'd forgotten to breathe. I begin to feel a whole lot better when I start up again.

Deep breaths. Take deep breaths, Alexis, I tell myself in an attempt to calm my nerves, which I'm sure must be bouncing all over the place right now.

The red SUV backs away from my car and swerves over to the left. Just before leaving, the driver rolls their window down, revealing an older man who looks to be about my Dad's age. He's scowling at me, his mouth opening and closing. I roll my window down and look at him.

"What the hell were you trying to do?! Cause an accident?!" he screams.

"I-I-I'm sorry, sir. I wasn't paying attention," I answer, running a shaky hand over my face.

"Of course you weren't paying attention! You teenagers are a danger to society while driving and texting! If you'd wait until you get home to look at your damn phones for texts, we wouldn't be having problems like this!"

Before I can respond, he rolls his window back up and speeds off, leaving tire marks on the road. I feel a small pang of guilt. I didn't mean to almost crash into the poor guy. It's not like it's my fault. Erika gave me one of her memories at the wrong time. But telling him that wouldn't have made me look any better.

Releasing my foot off the brake, I veer into the right lane and proceed to make my way home. I know I'm not too far but it feels like it's taking years to get there.

I shake my head.

Let's not think about getting home. Think about something else.

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