Part russian

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Keishin pov

" we are going to have a new guy try out for the team this afternoon " I said to the team

" wow cool " hinata beamed " he also has a sister that would like to join shimizu as a manager " I explained " alright now get to warm up they'll be here shortly then will begin practice

Kei pov

I wonder if it's those twins in my class the tall grey haired guy with the piercings looked like he played volleyball "

Time skip


" hello everyone my name is aristocrat yuri "

a tall male with silver/grey hair and piercings cheered " and this is my twin sister (y/n) " she was a small girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair  " wow aristocrat-kun how tall are you  " tanaka said with shock and hinata and nishinoya looked dead " I'm 198

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a tall male with silver/grey hair and piercings cheered " and this is my twin sister (y/n) " she was a small girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair " wow aristocrat-kun how tall are you  " tanaka said with shock and hinata and nishinoya looked dead " I'm 198.5 call me yuri or aristo "

(y/n) pov

" brother two boys are red are they ok " I asked suddenly a boy was in my face "I'm tanaka ryunosuke but call me tanaka-senpai " a scary looking bald one shouted I yelped yuri just picked me up and put me on his shoulders " thank you brother, sorry tanaka-Senpai " I beamed then all of a sudden tanaka-senpai put a hand over his heart and said " oh she is so pure " I looked at the silver haired boy in confusion then he said " I'm sugawara koshi I'm the vice captain " brother put me down and I said " hello sugawara-Senpai " then I bowed he waved his hands up and down and said " please call me suga " I nodded my head

" alright so aristo-chan you go meet our other managers yachi and shimizu " I smiled over at the two girls but because I left to make acquaintance with them I said " you all can call me (y/n) if you want " then I went to the two girls

Yuri pov

" well boy what position did you play on your old team " the coach asked me " I played setter, middle blocker and pinch sever " I stated " I can see why your a blocker you make that Russian descent on the nekoma team look small " a boy with black hair said " oh do you mean haiba lev " I said the orange haired one jumped around and belted " ya ya that's him " I gave a slight laugh " he's my cousin that one of the reasons we moved here from Russia were also Russian descendants because both of our mothers lived in Russia for a bit but they moved back here as we stayed " I laughed " so you speak Russian a fellow tall boy with glasses said " Отвечает ли это на ваш вопрос (1) " I smirked they all went shock and I laughed " it means does this answer your question " they all nodded

" alright introduce yourselves now " coach said my sister and the other managers come over

" im sawamura daichi im the captain " a boy with brown hair and brown eyes said
" I'm sugawara koshi I'm the vice-captain " a boy with silver hair and hazel eyes and a mole under one eye said "
" I'm azumane asahi " a tall boy with long brown hair and soft eyes said
" yo I'm nishinoya yu " a short boy with black hair and a tuff of blonde in front said
Hey hey hey I'm tanaka ryunosuke " a monk looking bald guy he reminds me of a delinquent said
" I'm ennoshita chikara " a boy with brown hair and brown eyes said
"I'm narita kazuhito " another bald guy said but he didn't look like a delinquent
" I'm kinoshita hisashi " a boy with light brown hair said
" kageyma tobio " the boy from earlier with that black hair and blue eyes said personally I think he looks emo
" heyyyyy I'm hinata shoyo " a short boy with orange wild hair and hazel eyes said
" tuskishima Kei " the tall blonde with glasses said
" h-hey I'm yamaguchi tadashi " a boy with green brown hair and freckles said

" alright so you met the team I'm mr. Takeda " a man with black hair brown eyes and glasses said and these are the managers Shimizu kiyoko and yachi hitoka " takeda-sensi stated
" alright get to warm up aristo' we'll have a team jacket for you guys soon " coach said " wait aristocrat as in the aristocrat manor as in that multimillionaire family " yamaguchi said with shock

" ya " we both said causally everyone sweat dropped " your millionaires how cool do you live in a super mega house " Hinata asked " ya it's about the same size as this school we even have our own volleyball court " (y/n) said " wow I how come you don't live out in the city " asked tanaka " because plus we should all start warming up now " I said


Отвечает ли это на ваш вопрос (1) does this answer your question

 That's how she sat on him a lot of people were getting confused so here is some clarification

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That's how she sat on him a lot of people were getting confused so here is some clarification

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