"Then invite your friends."

"They're going to break every single bone in Louis' body."

"And why is that?"

"I don't know, how about you ask him?" I turn and give Louis a little glare.

Niall looks at him for an answer, but Louis just stares down at his feet and shifts uncomfortably.

"Yeah, so I'm going to go home," I said and grabbed my stuff.

"You want me to drive you there or?" Zayn asked.

"Well, I don't really know how to get to my house from here. I'll just text my brother your address and he'll come pick me up. Well, you're going to text him, because I absolutely have no idea what your address is," I unlock my phone and hand it to Zayn. I plop on the sofa and turned on he T.V. I scroll through the shows, trying to find something to watch.

"I love Doctor Who!"

Hold on, that sounded a bit like.. Harry? I turn around and saw Harry and Liam, "When did you two here?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Couple of seconds ago, now go play Doctor Who," Harry said and sits down next to me. I sigh and play it. Zayn hands back my phone and I gave him a small smile as I took it back. After an episode and a half I realized it was taking forever for my brother to come pick me up.

"God, what is taking my brother so long?" I groaned, I turned towards Zayn "Did you give him the right address?"

"Yeah, about that," Zayn said, "I ma―"

The door bell rang and interrupted Zayn, "Finally," I got up and opened the door "What the― Lizzy?" And then I realized basically everyone was here.

"I hear Doctor Who!" Venus screamed and pushed through everyone to get inside, "Wait, Harry, you watch Doctor who?"

"I do. I fucking love it." Harry answered, nodding. Venus' eyes seemed to twinkle as she sat down on the couch, though, she sat away from Harry. Soon, everyone just settled in front of the T.V. with popcorn, watching Doctor Who.


After a couple of episodes, Venus and Emily got up and went to the backyard. I followed them outside. Venus crouched down in front of the swimming pool, drawing circles into the water, Emily was sitting down, her legs in the pool. They were talking about random things as I creep up behind Venus and push her into the water. Before she fell in, she let out a loud scream. I look over at Emily, who looked a bit disappointed. She looked at me with semi-glare, but she looked nonchalant at the same time.

"What?" I asked, trying to act innocent. I knew exactly 'what'.

"You know," Emily said, "Venus can't swim, right?"

"Fuck," I groaned. I took my fedora and my shirt off and dove in. She was flailing around in the water as I grabbed her waist and she squirmed in my grasp. I went back up at the surface and she gasped for air.

"Harry, you stupid idiot!" She screamed. I laughed and sat her down in the edge. I swam out of the pool and fixed my hair out of my face. I look at Venus as she eyed me up and down, she realized I had caught her staring and blushed and hid her face.

I chuckle, "It's okay to stare, I know you can't help it," I say.

"I-It's not that!" She yellled, defensively, "It's just that, I didn't know you had so much tattoos."

"Okay, whatever you say," I said. I run inside and grab towels and wrapped one around her.

"I'm soaked and I have nothing to change into," She whined, "Did I mention I fucking hate you?"

Pretty Boy || Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now