Bella's POV -Back To Hogwarts-

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Chapter Name: Back To Hogwarts

I breathe in deeply, soaking up the sunlight as I float in my backyard lake, Teth right beside me.

It's the day before Teth and I head back to Hogwarts and frankly, I couldn't be happier.

Let me explain.

I live with my mum, Renee Black. And let me just tell you, that is no picnic.

My mother, is a bitter woman who takes her anger out on me. Her thirteen year old daughter.

She's never married. Just slept around with a bunch of man whores. That's where me and my siblings came into the story.

Back then, when she had my older brother Dean though, she was actually a wonderful person. Dean once told me how when she smiled, it could light up a room. And she had the prettiest dimples. I've never seen that smile. Ever. It's long disappeared under her now, harsh features.

When Gabe came along, something happened. I don't know what though. Something just snapped inside her.

Onto a happier note though! 

My full name is Bellatrix DeeAnne Black and I'm thirteen years old. My brother Gabe is 22 years old and works at the Ministry of Magic as a Foreign Correspondent person. I think. it can be really dangerous sometimes though. i suppose because he has to interact with wizards from other countries who can sometimes be . . . violent.

Dean is 24 years old and I actually haven't seen him for a while. He's always off in another country. I haven't seen him for two years. He left home at 19 because of my mother. Gabe lives near me so he can keep an eye on me 'cause God knows what Mum could do next.

Teth Rose Black is my best friend and also my cousin actually because her dad (Sirus Black-yes the mass murderer in Azkaban) is my mother's brother. So therefore, Sirius Black is my uncle.

Crazy right?

"Bella? Bella? Are you listening?" says Teth snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? What?" I ask, jerking my head towards her.

She laughs. "I asked what you thought is going to be different at Hogwarts this year?"

I sigh. Hogwarts. Home sweet home.

"Oh I dunno," I reply stretching. "I hope to succeed in making all the teachers hate me," I say jokingly.

"Um . . . don't they all hate you anyway?" says Teth teasingly.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny," I reply. "And no. Just Snape-but he doesn't count, he hates all Gryffindors, Trelawney-and I don't even take her class, Flitwick-but only sometimes, and that muggle studies teacher-but I dunno why, I don't even take his class either."

"Ew Snape," says Teth, wrinkling her nose. "The one thing I DON'T look forward to at Hogwarts."

"Tell me about it," I groan, wetting my hair. "He gave me detention for HELPING one of the students. Can you believe that? He's such a jackass."

"I know," mutters Teth smiling slightly as she closes her eyes.

I smile as well and carefully (and quietly) slide off the water tube and water-walk over to Teth.

"SURPRISE!" I scream tipping her over!

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