act 27

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Your typing the opening in of yuri on ice you see Alicia across the room reading manga.
Y/n:"why aren't you writing your opening it needs to be done by tommorow?"
Alicia:"oh yeah give us a minute we why I finish this chapter."
You sigh and turn back to your computer you start to write until you got a call.

Police:"hello is this miss y/n l/n
Y/n:" yeah it is what's seams to be the problem?"
Police:"I'm so sorry but are you the mum of rose, leorio,and Jack."
Y/n:"yes why what's happened? What's going on?"
Police:"mam can you please calm down but your sons and daughter have been in accident another. Man was their walking them to the park when a car came and ran them over I'm so sorry there in the hospital now we will send an ambulance over to get you there."

You drop the phone on to the floor a tear provoked your eye and ran down your cheek.
Alicia:"y/n what's wrong please tell me."rushing towards you
Y/n:"they...have been....involved in a hit and run."
Alicia:"who has?"
Y/n:"my little boys and girl." You cover your mouth and start to cry.
Alicia:"let's go to the hospital."
Alicia holds on to you as she walks out of the office. Outside the office everyone stopped talking and looked at you it was like a pin popped a balloon.
The ambulance was waiting outside you and Alicia climbed into it and sat down.
The ambulance hummed into life and drove out of the car park you looked at Alicia face which turned pale white like she seen a ghost.
Y/n:"are they going to be okay."
Ambulance crew:"yeah where sure of it they start to laugh."
You start to feel uneasy as they carry on laughing after a hour and half drive you jerked to stop and the doors swinged opened you jumped out you ended up in the middle of nowhere you turned around to see the ambulance crew grab you and put a bag over your head they carried you into another car. All you heard was a door shut and cars driving off you start to shout.
Y/n:"Alicia are you here."
Y/n:"Alicia are you here."
There was no answer you started to get worried thoughts start to whizz through your head like what are they going to do to me. What do they want from me. Are they going to kill us?
Your thoughts carry on trying to find an answer the car stopped and you started to scream
Y/n:"let me out!"
The back doors opened and someone grabbed your legs and pulled you. You didn't know where you was being pulled but you felt the warm sand running in between your fingers. Finally they stopped and picked you up and placed you on a chair they took the bag of your face you didn't want to try and escape because guns and weapons was pointing your way you looked round to see if you can find Alicia.

Kidnapper:"hey if your looking for that women she's not here.
Y/n:"then were is she you son of a b**ch?"
Kidnapper:" oooooo I love a girl that can fight back."
He came over to you and punched you across the face leaving a red Mark across your face.
Y/n:"why are you doing this to me what have I done to you I just want to see my kids."
Kidnapper:"you do oh there right here."
A huge window opened and you saw your kids and Yuri strapped to a rope hanging off a crane.
Kidnapper:"oh no we can't do that."
People start to move closer and closer towards you and start to take your clothes off you start to squirm rocking side to side making it harder for them but they kept on punching you when you moved. You took one last look at your family until a man climbed on to you naked the lights went off and you couldn't see anything but this man started to hump you he started to bite your lip. And then everything stopped it all went quiet you started to heavily breathe was they gone or where they ready to shoot me.

Life Of Yuri And Victor (Yuri On Ice)Where stories live. Discover now