act 9

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The proposal

You wake up in the hospital with yuri beside you you turn to him and he kisses you on the cheek.

Yuri:"what happened?"

Y/n:"I tripped over the rug and fell into their bookshelf which collapse on me."

Yuri:"what are you like."

You laugh and Yuri starts searching in his pocket.

Yuri:"where is it?"

Y/n:"where is what?"

Yuri:"doesn't matter I got it."

Yuri pulls out a black box and gets down on his hands and knees.
You quickly sit up and stare into Yuri eyes.

Yuri:"y/n l/n will you marry me please?"

Y/n:"yes I would love to."

You and Yuri hug and kiss your mum walks in.

Mum:"hello wife to be my baby is girl is all grown up and is getting married in 6 weeks."

Y/n:"thanks mum."

Mum:"the doctors say you are leaving the hospital today and you can come back home.

Yuri and mum leave and 2 weeks later your out and you are fitting your dress on.

Fashion designer:"this is the right size it looks beautiful on you.

Y/n:"thank you it's just that I would of never thought I would be here in this wedding dress and marry the guy I love.

Yuri:"well I guess it's your lucky day."

4 weeks later your lying in your bed you feel where Yuri is meant to be there was a letter you read it to yourself.

Dear y/n
I have left the house and sent Alicia over to do your hair and stuff like that so I'm over at my parents and I'm getting dressed can't wait to see your beautiful face at the church with me I love you I will see you later.

Suddenly there was a knock at your door.
You open the door to Alicia stood there with to metal big breifcases.
Alicia:"come on get up there why I sort your bed head."


As Alicia works her way into your hair she curls the last strand of hair and clip your hair back you gaze in astonishment as she moves on to you make up as he starts plaster foundation on to you. As she slaps make up on to you look in the mirror you thought she would make you look like a umpalumpa but it made you look like a movie star.
You see the limo parked outside you rush downstairs in your wedding dress and climb into the limo with Alicia and mum.

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