Chapter 6

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Nagisa P.O.V

Great. I DIDN'T BRING MY UMBRELLA. why is it suddenly raining what should I do. Ughhh

Wait. Where is Karma? As I remembered I put my umbrella in my  bag every time I go to school

"Hey Nagisa are you searching for this?" A voice that make me turned around. I saw Karma holding an umbrella. "Here take it" he said while handing me the umbrella.

"Urmmm.... what about you?" I asked making a concern face. "Don't worry  I've got another" he said smiling

Karma P.O.V

yea. I lied. I don't want her to get worried. "Okay then" she smile brightly "Hey Karma what are you waiting for? Don't wanna get home together" she asked "No no you get home first. I have something to do" I give here an excuse " Okay Goodbye Karma! Love you!" She said while running .

She going  to her home meanwhile I'm going to my home. Yes we're in each other bodies now but her mom is not home so she wanted to go home.

After 30 minutes. I reached my home . I'm soaking wet. Haruhiko Ichijo my butler reached me and give me a towel. And yes all my workers know abot this body swapped thing.

"Master, why are you soaking wet. Didn't I gave you a umbrella even you in a girl body" he asked me " Yes. But I gave it to Nagisa. And no more question Haruhiko"  I said strictly " As you wish, Master".

After getting out of the bath I feel a strong headache. Damn it. I'm sure that tomorrow I can't go to school. 'I have to do something' . I grabbed a paper and write an instruction   "Haruhiko!" I called him "Yes Master" he came into my room "Can you do me a favor" " Of course Master" I handed him a paper and he took it. He read it. " Are you sure wanted me to do this master?" He asked " Yes." I reassured " As you wish master" he bow to me and heading outside.

I hope everything goes well.

I don't want Nagisa get effected by me

I have to do this just for a few days...

A/N: ughh I hate writter usual hope you guys enjoyed this

Bye-bye ><

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