



Tsukishima's Pov:

As soon as the man that was no doubt (Y/n)'s father slammed the door my smile fell.

'I didn't see or hear (Y/n) when he opened the door, so she's probably hidden somewhere in the house.'

Turning away to walk back to the police station in hoped that they would actually help this time.

'Don't worry (Y/n) you'll be safe soon.'





Back to you~

Hearing footsteps creaking up the stairs I look at the door with a glare. The door squeaked open revealing surprise surprise my father.

"Who was at the door?"

I asked in hopes to stall the beating I was sure to get.

"Just a tall blonde who was looking for you, oh by the way you're a little behind on your school work."

'Blonde? Tsukishima!?'

"But don't worry I told him that you didn't live here, so he probably won't be interrupting us anymore~"

He said with a saccharine voice, almost making a shudder run down my spine. Almost. I smiled bitterly my head cast down and bangs covering my eyes.

'Thank you for trying Tsukishima, but you really should move on...I'm not worth it...I'm not worth all this trouble.'

"Why? Why did you start beating me when mom divorced you?"

I asked, figuring if I'm going to be stuck here or probably get beaten to death I might as well fill my curiosity. He dryly laughed before looking at me.

"I'm not going to say something cliche like 'you remind me of her', or 'it's your fault that she left' "

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