
Baerus - A weapon smith and shopkeeper that lives near the Burnt Rice Tavern. Namonai's main weapon supplier, though Namonai only buys his cheap work. Is probably a dwarf, though he's a little tall for that, and probably hit his head on tunnel ceilings a lot. Or so I've been told. (Chapter 4,8)


Marinette - A mysterious woman who lives with Midas, and seems to have some power over him. She is skeletal in many places, where there is only bone with no trace of skin or muscle. She seems to be insane, but don't say that to her face. Cunning, ruthless, and nearly always the smartest person in the room, this gifted alchemist has a strange past and will keep you on your toes. Because if you mess with her that'll be all that's left of you. (Chapter 5-6,8,13)


Karha - Leader of the gang Symbiosis. A strong woman with many connections, she runs the docks. Perhaps the most reasonable of all the gang leaders, she is covered in glowing tattoos that can blind or hypnotize enemies. Or both if you're unlucky. (Chapter 5)


Marazan - Leader of the Dier Fiends gang. A large beastman, he rose to the top by being the meanest, strongest, and ugliest. His Dier Fiends are all past experiments or abominations. Nobody will mess with the Jungle's apartments or entertainment houses while the Dier Fiends are around. Well, besides the Dier Fiends. (Chapter 5)


Kamapua'a - A forlorn boar god, once married to the volcano goddess Pele. They divorced, and he has lived in depression ever since. A tired and easily enraged, but virtuous, man. He can turn into a giant pig. Like the minotaur. Only a boar. (Chapter 7)


Ghelly - A young boy who has grown up on the streets of Malor. He's a quick learner, and does whatever it takes to survive. Namonai feels protective of the young teen. (Chapter 8-9, 14-17)


Akath - One of the miscellaneous scum who inhabit Malor. He regularly shakes down Baerus and is oftentimes cowardly, yet ruthless. He fears, rather than respects, power. (Chapter 8)


Khalil - The largest crime boss in Malor, he comes from a very hot place, hence his many layers, as Malor, even in the summer, is too cold for him. He is one of the most powerful ranks of djinn, and controls the elements of fire and air. He desires loyalty above all else, and is universally feared and respected by all inhabitants of Malor. He is a direct competitor to Benson Barry Wolf in the information industry. (Chapter 8-9)


Chin - Host for the night club Luz Oscura. A bubbling, happy, little man who adores his husband, Maximón. Nobody can stay angry around him besides Naiomi, and he doesn't know what personal space is. Obsessed with colorful things. (Chapter 9,12)


Maximón - Runs the business part of Luz Oscura. Suave, controlled, confident. An Immortal, he is the god of balance: light and dark. It is rumored he knows of a way to the Underworld without paying a toll. He is deeply in love with his husband, Chin, and does all he can to protect him. He is involved with an unknown shadow organization. (Chapter 9,12,13)


Shi Xian - A pirate who works for a mysterious employer, and is somehow connected to Maximón. Spunky, tiny, and not to be underestimated, she'll take everything off your ship. And enjoy it too. Her friends call her Xian. (Chapter 10-12)


Arboran - Since humans aren't allowed to practice magic, you have to hire Fae mages to make sure your ship makes it safely to harbor. And when the good mages are gone, you hire Arboran. Sadistic, lazy, but fiercely protective, he uses sensory deprivation magic. He dabbles in Alchemy and torture. Hates long walks on the beach. (Chapter 10)


Vioda - A young woman with a fiery heart and a need for justice, in whatever form. She's willing to make drastic decisions to change Malor for whatever she decides is "better". Rose from being a lone vigilante to the leader of a city-wide resistance movement called The Light Brigade. Once fought the mass-murdering psychopath, Mister E, and won. Hates the color red, but ironically wears a red coat. Obsessed with killing the woman Scarlett; the one who got away. (Chapter 12-13) 


Akugbe - A warrior and Amazon, allied with Marinette. She is the leader of the Blood Moon Clan. She also has mystical powers. Probably related to blood, moons, or wolves. You know, given her clan name and all. It's obvious. (Chapter 13)


Alarice Crusoe - Lead financial backer and supplier to The Light Brigade. A strong woman who wields a sword cane. Maybe she's the one pulling Vioda's strings, or the other way around. Probably related to Robinson Crusoe, given her last name. One of the few who seem to have a last name. Huh...weird. (Chapter 13)


Baer - A Muse, meaning a person who can create audible sounds using their mind. Baer is an old, deaf, man with shocking white hair and a thick accent. Formerly indentured to Chin and Maximón, he now works for Naiomi at the Burnt Rice Tavern. Has deep insights into others, and never talks about his family. Likes bland foods. (Chapter 14)


Donyoku - A Baku and Conductor. Baku are dream eaters, capable of shifting between realms at their whim; this makes them excellent Conductors—beings who guard portals throughout the cosmos and guide others on their journeys. Donyoku is stubborn and manipulative, but holds to his strict code, and respects friends. Likes being scratched behind the horns. (Chapters 14-17)


Zargoth - Defender of the Eternal Flame, lover of kittens, guardian of the Dream Realm, giant fire-breathing dragon. Zargoth was all these things. He long protected the Dream Realm from thieves and outside forces, until he encountered Namonai. (Chapters 15-16)


Mutovinatum - Scourge of light, oracle of sin, jackass, parasite. All of these things apply to Mutovinatum. Most known for stealing his power from an unknown deity and systematically infiltrating the upper levels of the Immortals. He eventually latched onto the Godkiller, Eurael, and helped him defeat the liberator/tyrant queen, Evermore. He is a parasite with the ability to control shadows, become intangible, and limited teleportation, as well as possessing extreme speed and durability. Has split himself into an unknown number of pieces to avoid being destroyed completely. Cannot possess (but can inhabit) living Immortals. The majority of Mutovinatum is now on Earth, last seen in the battle between Eurael and Evermore. A fragment of him was in the Dream Realm, until battling with Namonai and crew. Mysteriously vanished. Soon after, Namonai began hearing voices in his head. (Chapters 15-???)


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