I'm Sorry

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Issabelle's point of view

  I woke up the next morning to see Damian right next to me. I smile softly as I notice that I'm in his arms. At the moment, I feel as if nothing can hurt us. I am softly gazing at the boy in front of me, and I hardly noticed the piercing blue eyes looking back.

  "Good morning, Issa. How are you feeling?" He says, loosening his grip on me a little.
  "Better. The reason I had come here last night was because I remembered you and I. What we used to be. I had to know if it was true. I think I got my answer though." I answer, my smile never leaving my face.

  I close my eyes, due to the bright sun from a rare sunny morning. I am about to open them when I feel lips pressed against mine. At first, I'm surprised. Then I relax, and fall into the kiss. I don't want the moment to end, but life isn't usually fair to me.

  Jason comes in at that moment.

  "Demon? Have you seen Is-" that's when he notices us. "Oh. Nevermind. Morning" And with that, he runs off downstairs like a child on Christmas morning. Damian and I start laughing a little.

  "I should go get ready. After breakfast I'm going to go through my old stuff. Probably rearrange my room a little. It looks like a 13 Year old lived there." I say, getting out of bed. I walk over to my room and put on a black t-shirt with a panda on it, my ripped jeans, and tie a red plaid shirt around my waste. I put my black converse on and go downstairs for breakfast.

  "How did you sleep last night?" Bruce asked as I walked in.

  "Very well thank you." I sit down. As I am taking my first bite of cereal, Damian walks in and sits next to me. No one else is on our side of the table, so he takes my hand underneath the table and holds it.

  Once we are done eating, I go back to my room and go into my closet. I take out some empty totes and start putting my old clothes in them. I'm starting on my second tote when Damian comes in.

  He sits next to me and starts helping me pack my clothes. We work in silence for awhile. Then Jason comes in. He starts getting stuff off the higher shelves and packing them. Then Tim comes in. He starts helping Jason. Lastly, Dick comes in. He starts playing music and dancing around. He doesn't really help at all, just keeps us smiling.

  Pretty soon, we are all dancing and singing, completely forgetting about the project at hand. We all just have a fun time, like how it used to be before everything changed. We all turned into little kids again. I notice Damian not dancing, so I go over and grab his arm. I start dancing with him, and eventually he relaxes and dances with me.

  Bruce and Alfred came up to see what the commotion was, only to find all the people of the house having a dance party. They watch in silence, then decide to leave them be. The walk out and close the door.

  After awhile, we all collapse from exhaustion. We are just sitting on the floor when there was a sound of something breaking downstairs. No one paid attention to it, probably just thinking thinking it was Alfred dropping something.

  But to me, it brought back bad memories.


  I was in my old house back at crime alley with Jason. We were sitting on the couch, watching TV, and just relaxing.

  Then our dad came in. He was severely drunk, and when he was drunk, he wasn't very nice. The first thing he does is break a glass beer bottle. Then he comes near me.

  Jason steps in front of me to protect me, but dad just throws him out of the way. Jason hits his head against the wall, knocking him out. Then dad looks back at me. He has an evil grin on his face, but his eyes showed anger.

  "You worthless piece of garbage! Why did I get stuck with something like you? Get out of my house and never come back!" And with that, he starts swing the glass shards at me, cutting me. I run away, and out of the building, crying.

  "I'm sorry..." I whisper, even though no one can hear me.

~End Flashback~

  After I come back to reality, I realize I'm crying. Everyone is staring at me with worried looks on their faces. I stand up and give them what I hope is a convincing smile, and walk to my bathroom, locking the door behind me.

  I hear footsteps and the door closing. I know that there is one person left in my room. Jason probably.

  I slide down my bathroom door, putting my head in my hands. I feel like crying, but no tears come out. There's a knock on the door.

  "Issabelle? Let me in. Please Issa." Yep. Jason. I unlock the door and move out of the way so he can enter. "What's wrong? Did you remember something?"

  I nod my head, and explain my memory. Once I'm finished, he hugs me and carries me out of the bathroom. He sets me down on my bed and he kisses my forehead.

  "I will never let that happen ever again." He promises. "Now. Come on. Let's go eat some lunch." He takes my hand and drags me downstairs.

  Everyone asks if I'm ok, and I just answer that I'm fine. People seem to except my answer and don't press any farther on the subject, which I am great full for.

  After lunch, we all finish packing my stuff. I then start repainting my room. Everyone helps with this except, Bruce and Alfred. I paint my room a light blue on two walls, and a white on the other walls. I rearrange my furniture and change my comforter on my bed.

  By the time we are done, my room looks entirely different. We walk downstairs for dinner. After that, I went to the entertainment room and started playing video games. Soon all of my brothers come in and start to play as well. It is a lot of fun. We play Wii sport boxing, Mario Kart, Halo, and so many other games. We play until probably 2 in the morning. We were watching a movie when I snuggled up to Damian. He started to mindlessly play with my hair. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up the next morning to all of us asleep on the couch.

  I am not able to get up, thanks to being held captive by Damian and being squished by Jason, who was using my lap as a pillow. Alfred came in and announced breakfast. That woke everyone up. We walked to the kitchen, Damian and I hand-in-hand, and ate Alfred's famous pancakes.

  Yesterday was the perfect day with my brothers. I can't wait for more.

A/N Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the story! I wasn't planning on updating today, but I was listening to some music and got really inspired! I really had fun writing this chapter, and I hope you had fun reading it.

                     Stay traught my friends!

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