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"Mistress Taylor, time to wake up." Came Alfred's voice from outside my door.

'Ugh' I think 'Time to start another day' I get up out of bed and go to the bathroom. When I look in the mirror, I notice that my long black hair is a disaster. I quickly brush it and pull it back in a ponytail.

I suppose I should introduce myself a little. My name is Isabelle Todd. Jason Todd is my older brother. I have bright green eyes, black hair, and I am 5 feet 6 inches tall. I live at the Wayne Manor. Bruce Wayne took us in when my brother was 10. I was only 4. Jason was Robin for awhile but then some stuff happened, and let's just say I'm lucky to have my brother alive. I am also a super hero. My name is Astro. My outfit is exactly like my brothers, except female.(picture above)

I look at myself one last time in the mirror, but this time I focus on the necklace I'm wearing. It's a black heart. It was given to me when I was a baby by my mother. No one knows that my necklace has a secret. Not even my brother knows.

I walk out of the bathroom and turn off the light from my bedroom. I walk downstairs to the kitchen, or better known in this house, the room of chaos. I open the door, only to have to duck down in order to avoid being hit in the face with eggs. I look around and find that there is an all out food fight in the kitchen. All of the boys in the family, minus Bruce and Alfred, were throwing food at eachother. I let out a small cough to try and get their attention, but as always, fail. Finally, I decide to do something that I don't do often. Speak.


Everyone stops in their tracks and stares at me. I don't talk much, because of my past. I wasn't allowed to speak much back home. So when I do speak, people listen. Especially if I yell.

"Oh, good morning little sis! Didn't see you there." Jason said, rubbing the back of his head. I could tell he was feeling guilty.

I nodded and grabbed a bowl from the cabinet. I poured some Chex cereal in my bowl, along with some milk. I sit at the table and start eating. Everyone is still staring at me.

"Clean it up." I say, I didn't want Alfred to be mad. Everyone started cleaning up, including Damian.

I finish my cereal and rinse my bowl, putting it in the dishwasher. I start walking out the door, only to get the feeling like someone's watching me. I look back and see Damian looking at me out of the corner of his eye. I turn around slightly and give him a small smile. Then I walk out the door and back to my room.

Once in my room, I change into my training clothes. I go down to the BatCave and walk over to the mat, only to find Damian there, already training. I sneak over, attempting to maybe surprise him a little. Right before I am about to jump on his back, he speaks.

"Would you like to spare?" He said, turning around. I shrug my shoulders and walk over to the sparring mat. I get into fighting position as Damian does the same. We spar for awhile and then stop for a break. Damian is one of the few people I trust in this house enough to talk to.

"Isabelle? Are you feeling alright? You have been acting strangely today." Yes, Damian calls me by my real name. He calls Jason 'Todd', so in order to keep it not confusing, he calls me by my real name.

"I'm fine" I reply, giving him a small smile. Truth is, I'm not fine. Today is the day that my mom died. It's a hard day for me. It's the day my life changed. Jason knows not to bother me on this day. I can be, well, hostile. I'm not a fun person.

"Don't forget. I'm here for you. I love you." He says. Oh yea. I should probably mention, Damian is my boyfriend. No one knows that though. Not even Jason or Bruce. Damian reaches over and gives me a hug. I hug back, tears forming in my eyes. We hear footsteps on the stairs and immediately go back to training.

"Isabelle? You down here?" Great. Jason. Just the person I need. Just at that moment the alarm went off. Someone was breaking into the Gotham Bank. I look at Damian and Jason. I nod, and run off to put my uniform on. I race over to my bike and drive away.

I turn my comm on and hear Jason on the other end.

"Isabelle, be safe. Something seems off about this. There was a breakout at Arkham last night. Harley, Ivy, and Joker escaped. Keep an eye out." Jason explains.

" I'm fine." I reply, in an attempt to calm him down. 'It's a normal mission' I think to myself. 'What can go wrong?'

I pull up to the bank to find out that this was going to be no ordinary mission.

A/N *evil grin* Cliffhanger! Thank you guys for reading this and I hope you enjoyed. Please Vote, Comment, and all that jazz!

Stay whelmed!

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