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Jason's point of view

"Issabelle?" I say, looking into her eyes. I see her face scrunch in confusion, and then in pain. She starts to black out and I catch her before she hits the ground. I pick her up bridal style and carry her back to the Bat Cave.

Time skip brought to you by Jason using a grappling hook while carrying a girl.

When I get back to the cave, I set her down on a medical table. No one is in the cave at the moment so I run upstairs to find everyone inside the dining room eating a late dinner.

"Guys! I found her!" I say. That's enough for everyone to get up and run for med bay.

Damian's point of view

'They found her?' I think as I run down to the medical room in the cave. Sure enough, there she is. Lying on the table, looking so calm, fragile, different. I go up to her and brush some lose strands of black hair from her face. 'I can't beleive they found her.' I think again.

Todd quickly explained everything as Pennyworth took care of Issabelle's injuries. By the time he was done, she started to wake up. She was awake for barely a second before passing out again.

Issabelle's point of view

I start to regain consciousness but my head is killing me. I slowly open my eyes, and feel something touching my hand. I look over and see a man with black hair and a grey strip on his front bangs, holding my hand, asleep next to me. 'Why does he look so familiar to me?' I sit up, and in doing so I woke the man next to me.

"Issabelle?" He says, staring at me in awe.

"Who's Issabelle?" I say, genuinely confused. "My name is Emily. Where am I? Who are you?" I start to grow a bit panicked, and he notices.

"Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you. My name is Jason Todd, and you are in the Bat Cave. You said your name is Emily? Who are your parents?" He asks in a calm voice.

"My mommy's name is Harley and I never learned my daddy's name. I think he usually goes by Joker." I reply honestly.

He looks at me shocked. I sit there for a moment in the silence until I can't take it anymore.

"I should get home. If I'm any later, daddy's gonna be really mad. He'll already be really mad because I failed my mission. Thank you for helping me. Goodbye." I say, attempting to get up, and almost falling on my face. Jason catches me a puts me back on the table.

"You're not going anywhere. You're  to weak. Rest. Your safe here from the Joker. Don't worry." He says. That's when I see something.


I am running. I keep looking around. There's a boy up ahead. He's tied up and beaten. The Joker is standing over him with a crowbar, beating him.

"Let's hear the Birdie sing shall we?" He says, beating and kicking the boy. He laughs like a maniac, and figures he's had enough, he's bored. I notice that he's turning around and I run. I run out the door and press a button on a belt that I'm wearing. I seem to be wearing some kind of uniform. I look back at the warehouse that the boy was in and here a car driving up in the distance. The car gets closer and batman jumps out. We run for the warehouse, only for it to blow up. Batman protects me with his cape, yet I still get a dislocated shoulder from hitting the ground. The funny thing is though, the pain in my shoulder was nothing like the pain in my heart. I look back at the warehouse again, only for it to be blown to bits. Batman and I run up and start looking for the boy.

Batman found him first. I run over and kneel down in front of him. I take the mask off of the battered boy in front of me. He must be around the age of 12. I look into his eyes, and gasp at what I see. 'Jason?'

~End of Flashback~

"Issa- Emily, are you ok?" I hear a voice, breaking me out of my daze. It's Jason.

"You- you died.... Da- Joker killed you...." I stutter. "I was there. Why was I there?"

"You remember huh?" I nod my head. Just then a door opened and in walked an older looking man.

"Ah, I see you are awake miss Issabelle." He says.

"Alfred may I speak with you for a moment?" Jason says, letting go of my hand. "Stay here Emily. I'll be right back." With that he and the man named Alfred left.

They came back after a few minutes. Jason comes over and offers me his hand.

"You should meet everyone else that lives here. It might seem weird because we know you. You just don't remember us. Understand?" He says, helping me get up and walk to the stairs and then an elevator. I nod my head and we walk to a door. He opens the door and 4 faces look at me.  I look down at the ground, suddenly finding interest in the patterns on it. That's when Jason takes my chin and gently lifts it up. He nods and I look around.

"H-hi." I say. 'So much for all that training with mommy. I'm now shy apparently. Wow I'm in big trouble when I get home.' I think to myself. "I'm Emily. Nice to meet'cha." I say in my usual accent, slowly regaining my confidence.

The youngest out of all the boys came up to me and hugs me tightly, showing no signs of letting go. It feels familiar to me, how strong his arms are, feeling like nothing can hurt me as long as I'm in his arms. I hug him back, even though I have no idea who he is.

"I'm glad your back Issabelle." He says. What's with these people calling me Issabelle? "We missed you." He continues, letting go of me finally. Next, the others came up to me.

"We really did. Why did you call yourself Emily though?" Says a man who looks to be in his fifties. Jason explained everything for me, seeing as I have no idea what's going on. I learn that the men's names are Damian, the youngest. Tim the second youngest, Dick the oldest, and Bruce, the father figure.

Alfred walks in at that time. "Miss Emily, please follow me to your room. Master Jason please come along as well." We walk out of the room, following Alfred. We walk to a room that is way bigger than my old room. It has blue walls, a galaxy ceiling, blue bedsheets, a desk, a window seat, and a dresser. There is also two doors besides the one to the hallway. One I'm assuming is a bathroom.

When we reach my room, Alfred left, leaving me and Jason.

"You should get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning." He says, pointing to the bed. "There's are clothes in the closet and dresser. They should fit you, maybe a little small. Tell me if you can't find anything. I'll find something."

"Who's room was this?" I ask.

"Do you want to know the whole truth? It's a lot." He says, walking back into the room and sitting on the bed. He pats the spot right next to him, indicating he wanted me to sit. I went over and sat, prepared for the worst.

"It's all started 3 years ago..."

To be continued...

Hahahahahahhahaha a cliff hanger! I hope you liked it. I couldn't have done any of this without Ticci_Tobster. She's amazing! Go check out her story and follow her! I can't say when the next chapter of this will be up but it should be soon. Vote, Comment, and Follow!
                  Always crash the mode! Bye!

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