"Are you okay Dan?" Alexander flew up next to us, worry so clear on his face. Vincent was right behind him, worry also present on his face. "Yeah... I just got distracted..." I blushed as three girls flew up to us. "I heard screaming as we were walking out." A girl with shoulder length blonde hair said, explaining the reasoning of the three girls being there.

The blonde girl had a quill writing on a scroll on her cloak, she was a planner. The girl with brown curly hair on her right had a magnifying glass over a wheat plant on her cloak, she was a scouter. And the girl to planner's left was a straight brown haired girl with two praying hands on her cloak, a provider.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is a planner doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the head quarters?" I asked the blonde girl, not meaning to be rude.

"As long as we don't release any information, Planners can fight too, you know." She stated in a matter-of-fact type of way. Well she's sassy.

"We forgot to introduce ourselves, I'm Vincent. This is Alexander, Dan, and Phil." Vincent introduced us, quickly trying to change the subject.

"I'm Mya." The curly brown haired girl introduced first.

"I'm Makenzie." The straight brown haired girl said right after Mya.

"And I'm Grayce." The blonde haired girl said, flipping her hair.

"Grayce, no." Mya quickly barked, grabbing Grayce's arm to stop her from doing another one.

"Grayce yes!!" She quickly used her other hand to finish her second hair flip.

  "This is why I don't like hanging around you peasants sometimes." Makenzie sighed, shifting away from them. "You know you love us!!" Grayce cooed, and Mya just rolled her eyes.

  "Uh?" Alexander hummed, breaking the moment. "Sorry about that." Makenzie was quick to apologize. "It's good. But we should probably go back down before our wings start failing." Phil hummed, slowly gliding us down to the floor. Everyone else followed us as we lined back to hear the General barking orders.

  "He doesn't have to scream everything." Makenzie whispered so that only us could hear it. "I know right..." I responded, still gazing up front.

  An hour after he gave orders, where were dismissed to go to sleep. We had to wake up early tomorrow to get a bit more of training before we had to go outside of the borders to expand the electric field and add another layer for protection of the city.

  I joined Phil as we walked back to our dorm. All of a sudden I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders and a fluff of blonde hair hitting the side of my face. I turned to see that the same thing happened to Phil, and it was Grayce who was clinging onto us. Mya just slipped right beside me, and Makenzie next to Phil. "So are you guys dating? Because I low key ship you two." Grayce asked in such a cherry voice. "Same!!" Mya loudly whispered beside me, making me and Phil blush.

"You guys need to calm your fangirl-ness and be more low key about shit." Makenzie grumbled, a smirk dancing on her lips. "Wait. You guys aren't homophobic?" My voice quivered as I asked the question. "Hell no!! Gay ships are yay ships!!" Grayce pulled us closer to her chest.

  "You're suffocating us!!" Phil wailed, his voice a bit muffled by Grayce's chest. Mackenzie and Mya helped us get out of Grayce's grip, with her pouting not wanting to let us go. "Well we have to go to sleep," Mackenzie pulled Grayce and Mya by the ears and started to walk away. "See y'all in the morning!" She nodded at us as Grayce and Mya whined about their ears hurting.

Phil sighed beside me, "they're nice." I just silently shrugged as we watch them enter their side of the building. "Yeah... what's great was that they got comfortable with us once we touched ground." I shrugged while walking to our dorms.

"So you're gay?" Phil randomly asked once we were inside. I started choking at the random question.

"Excuse me?" I turned on my heal, spinning around to face him while placing my hand over my chest, feigning hurt.

"Well yeah... that Grayce girl said something about shipping us and you looked genuinely worried like as if she was going to turn us- I MEAN YOU-"

"YOU'RE GAY TOO!?" I flailed my arms around. I'm hoping hope didn't sound so much in my voice, because I didn't want to blow the cover that I really liked him to the point where I started imagining things....

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