Blue Band

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  • Dedicated to Dad

Chapter 1. Fall, lonely fall

My feet barely had the time to touch the ground, as I twisted up my arm and pushed myself down, and started to shuffle along the music flowing out loud. The stage floor was slippery, bits of colored paper raining down on me, cheers erupting from everywhere in the large hall, babies crying, phones ringing- the lot of sound was in a whole chunk. The music came to its cease, and I jerked around, facing the back of the stage, taking a curt bow. Screams and shouts became louder, and I exited the stage. The calling of my name from the crush of audience, which had been joyful to hear, was now incessant noise, noise. I trudged down to the changing room, where Andy and Justin were waiting for me, in their costumes, still their jaws fixed, their angry eyes on me. I glanced at the mirrors, as I closed the door and yanked off my jacket. 'Why?' It seemed like they were saying to me. 'Why, why?' I flopped down to a sofa and started to change into my loose orange tee shirt and short khaki pants, as Justin and Andy rose to enter the stage.

Justin acted as if I were not there, but Andy couldn't hide himself- he brushed past me angrily, almost knocking me down, his huffy breathes audible to my ears.

"You did the right thing," said Mr. Brown, as he walked into the changing room without a knock.

"What, sir?"

"Bringing in Sally Opal Jenkins here," he said, as he took a seat opposite me.

I took a spoon and opened up the coffee powder can. "Seems like everyone's mind aren't the same."

Mr. Brown snorted. "Then the different minds have to unite."

"Unite," I muttered. "Interesting."

I tossed a few spoonful of black powder into the cup and started to boil the water in the kettle.

"Now, we have no choice. Everyone's asking for one more member- the number is lacking," said Mr. Brown.

I wanted to argue, but clamped my mouth shut and watched the kettle boil. It produced a hissing sound, shaking, steam rising up to my face, until the whole thing stopped. I poured hot water into the cup and handed it over to Mr. Brown.

"Thanks," he said, as he took a sip.

"Who...named me, sir?"

Mr. Brown choked on his coffee, ending up coughing wildly.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"Would you be satisfied, if I say you were named after Prince Charles?"

"Funny. Ha," I said icily.

Mr. Brown scowled. "What answer do you want from me?"

"I want a proper one, sir," I retorted.

"Your mother."

The world seemed to freeze, and so seemingly did time. Mr. Brown emptied the cup and walked out of the changing room nonchalantly, but my mind reeled. My mother.

Clare burst into the room shortly after Mr. Brown left. Her make-up was still on, and she was in her costumes.

"Charles!" she cried, and started to pour out words, but I didn't listen.

I was named by my mother- it was a new fact. I wondered why. Mother. Mother. Mother.

"Charles!" she yelled, kicking my shin.

"Ouch!" I yelped, clutching my leg, snapping into reality.

"Listen to me!" she said frantically. "Rose!"

I froze. "What?"

"I told you that Justin is performing first, then it is Andy. While he was practicing in his room, Jake intruded in, and they're sparring now!" she cried.

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