Chapter 5

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Chapter five


After school, Raven invited me over her house. I decided to give it a try. I was in no position to be turning down friends. She was actually really cool about everything. She talked to me like the past week hadn’t happened. She asked me about my old school. I was still confused though. Raven had all these different personalities. She was controlling and mean at one point but then she was this perky and funny girl later on. Usually I’m really good at reading people, but when it comes to Raven I go a complete blank.

Raven’s house- wait scratch that- Raven’s mansion was amazing. She had a maid who made us these bagel bites. I can’t believe I’m actually saying this but I her life at home seems perfect. What I would kill to live like this. We just chilled out until dinner. That’s when it wall started. Her Mom came home with her younger sister and her two older brothers following by Raven’s Dad and her older sister, Lisa, in work clothes. Raven’s mom told me I could stay for dinner. Honestly I felt kind of trapped.

Raven seemed to be nervous. Why was she so nervous around her own family. She wasn’t even talking. Well her family wasn’t even including her, she just sat there while her brothers talked about their football practices and her Dad and sister talking about their jobs. Whenever Raven tried to add something to the conversation they would just shut her down and say “Ray, stop, you don’t know what your talking about” 

I felt bad for Raven. Behind all the delicious food and fancy décor it must be lonely for her. Her life was far from perfect. She made me realize  that I wouldn’t trade anything for my life. I love my Dad and Luke.

“I’m running the black and white ball this year.” Raven butted in her family’s conversation.

“Yeah she is, people are saying that its suppose to be the best dance in ages.” I added trying to be helpful. Raven’s siblings were annoyed and her parents were pretending to care.

“Really Ray, that sounds great.” Her mother gave Raven a small smile. Raven’s eyes light up.

“Ray sweetheart, I’m sure running your little school dance is very interesting but darling we have more important things to discuss right now like how Lisa is a shoe in for that promotion next week!” her father said pointing at her sister.

The rest of the table seemed to forget about Raven in an instant. I know this is her family but they are being just flat out rude. They were talking about the youngest sisters violin recital when I turned to Raven and whispered to her “You wanna talk about it?”

“Nope.” Raven said talking a sip of her sparkling cider.

“Ok, how about the dance?” Raven smiled when I said that. She interrupted her family’s conversation again and said “Dad, can me and Arianna be excused? We have more important things to talk about.”

Yes, Yes, Yes. She really did just say that. You’re not hallucinating. Raven just stuck up to her father because of me. I looked at her dad, his jaw tightened and he said “Of course dear.”

“It was nice meeting you Arianna.” Raven’s mother chimed in trying to lighten the situation.

“You too. Thankyou for the meal.” I smiled

“You could learn a lot from her, Raven.” And with that Raven grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the room.

We put on our shoes and went outside to her backyard. She had one of those huge play sets that I had always wanted as a kid. We sat on the swings and talked about the dance.

“So, do you have a dress yet” she asked me.

“No, not yet.”

“Don’t worry, you, me, and Tasha will go shopping. She has a great fashion sense.” She was getting all excited. I smiled at her. We were really becoming friends. This made me feel better about dumping Liam early today.

“I don’t even know if I’m going!” I giggled at her.

“Why not?!!!”

“I don’t have a date remember?” I looked at her. Then she frowned.

“I’m sorry about Liam, Arianna. I guess it was kind of my fault.” Raven wasn’t making eye contact with me.

“It wasn’t your fault! Please I said no to him remember. And he didn’t even ask me to the dance, he just asked me to wear his jersey at the festival before the dance.”

“Same thing!” She laughed at me

“You can go with him, if you want though…” I knew how much Raven wanted everything to be perfect. She looked at me with a confused face. I tried to keep my expression as emotionless as possible. Raven shrugged her shoulders “You’re a good friend Arianna.”  I gave her a little smile. “I’m sort of a bitch you know…” she continued “But not to my friends, and we are friends right?” I nodded my head, not able to speak “So, no. Even if he did ask me, I wouldn’t want to loose our friendship. And I’m not stupid, anyone can see your still in love with him.” She finished up.

“Wow, what makes you say that?”

“Just the way you talk about him. When you try so hard to act like he is not that important to you, it just shows how much he is.” She giggled at me like it was totally obvious. “You better not give up.”

“What?” I gave her a confused look

“Listen my little crush means nothing to him. He thinks I’m crazy.” Raven admitted to me “but you’re the real thing for him, Arianna. He likes you, I mean really likes you. Ok I get it you don’t want the whole school to hate you, but give it a week or maybe four for everyone in school to get to know you as Arianna and then later Liam’s girlfriend. Then when they realize what an awesome person you are, like I did, they will be happy for you and Liam.” Her plan was brilliant. Get people to know me for me before they know me as Liam Reynolds girlfriend. I had it all wrong about Raven, she did care about other people besides herself.

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