Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

“DAD I’M HOME” I yelled when I walked through the door

“Hey Ari, your not gonna believe what happened today!” My younger brother Luke said.


“I told the teacher that I was allergic to the white board makers so she let us have class outside!” Luke was only 7 so these little things got him really excited

“No way! But hey I told you stop with the lies. One lie leads to another lie and then you get into a big whole…” I said

“What!” He asks eagerly

I tackled him onto the couch and started tickling him “MESS” I yelled in his face.

My brother is one of the best parts of my life. I know all that stuff about hating and always fighting with your sibling but Luke and I ever since mom left are really close. We hardly ever fight and whenever I’m with Luke he just brightens everything up.

I got off the couch and got a vanilla coke out of the fridge. My dad came up behind me and spun me around. We started dancing around the kitchen. Luke came in and we all started laughing. Life at home was somewhat… no, no, no! I know what you all were thinking I was going to say perfect but I wasn’t! Honest! See I’m not like little Miss Raven I know nothings perfect. I expect the worst and it has always worked out good for me.

“So how was your first day of school?” My dad asked breaking me out of my thoughts.

“Uh… Oh Yeah… It was fine… Nothing special.”

“Arianna you tell me right now did something happen to you.” He sternly stated

“No daddy no. I’m sick of being the new girl that’s all.” Then he gave me this super sad look of worry and I knew I shouldn’t have brought it up.

“Daddy I’m just complaining. I’m a teenager its what we do!” I told him trying to cheer him up. He face became lighter and we started to talk about what we were going to have for dinner.

 The next day at school I didn’t play around at all. No having pity parties. I just focused on my work and I actually went to first period. I had a free period so I decided to drop off some papers at the front office. That’s when I heard

“Come on! Yale isn’t going to tolerate this!”

“I’m only a sophomore.”

“Still you need to get your priorities straight.”

It was Liam talking to the principal. Why is he always in the principal’s office? Well I mean he is student body president but still.

“Dad please...”

I stood there in shock. Liam is the principal’s son. Did everyone know about this? Of course not. Who would want to be known as the principal’s kid.

“Just because you’re my son doesn’t mean you can come in late and completely miss first period.”

“I was helping the new girl.” Liam said defending his case.

“You were now? Liam come on. You are the busiest person I know and that’s including some adults, when do you have time to even think about anything else besides your schoolwork, football, and not to mention all your clubs. Son I’m Just asking you to stop lying about things and just take responsibility for your actions.”


“No buts now get to class.” His dad ordered him.

Liam stood up and started walking out. I quickly ran out of the office. I stood by my locker trying to look casual. Liam came out and walked right towards me. Crap. Did he see me listening.

“Hey clumsy” I stayed silent.

“So you think I’m a jerk?” He simply stated

I was so embarrassed. I didn’t know what to do.

“I…um” I started to say

“Ray told me. Its cool I mean do you think every guy who skips first period to help you is a total dirt bag?” He said with a smirk on his face.

“Listen Liam, I didn’t mean it. I jumped to conclusions.” I said looking down “When Raven came up to me and started telling me all about how you were in love with her in sixth grade and that you two were basically together, I guess I categorized you as a player.” I looked up into his big blue eyes and blushed. Shoot here I go again.

“Yeah I assumed Ray told you something like that.” He said with a smile on his face. It reminded me of Luke because it just light up my whole world. Then he leaned in a whispered in my ear “I think shes in love with me.” Then he made a face that made me burst out laughing.

“But for your information me and Raven were never together and we’re not basically together either. Our parents are friends thats it. Honestly she kind of scares me. Everything she wants she gets consumed with. You know she gets those crazy eyes.” I giggled at him.

“Good.” I said with a smirk on my face

“Good I’m afraid of her or Good we are not together?”


He smiled then turned to walk away. Before he was about to walk into his class he said “Any plans after school?”

“None” I quickly stated my heart pounding.

“Well now you do. See later clumsy?”

“ya, ya.”

When he rolled his eyes at me and legit I thought I was going to faint. Oh my God. Look at me. I’m suppose to be the strong always there for her family girl, not the gets all excited over a boy girl. But this was crazy I had no idea what to do. He was just so perfect. They way his eyes sparkle and how his smile lit up my whole world. Oh man I try not to ever use the word perfect because perfection doesn’t exist, but Liam he was the closest to perfection.


 Last Period: Math. I know worst way to end your day. I was so anxious to just get out of there. It was even harder knowing right when that belle rings Liam would be waiting right outside. Why do I feel like I’m in one of those pathetic teen movies. I’d rather be in a Nicholas Sparks one. You no minus the part when my dad dies or I do or I end up with alzheimers. Whatever the point is I’m living a fairytale right now. Liam was actually making me excited about something like how Luke gets excited about everything. He was making me feel like a kid again. I haven’t felt this good since my mom left.

I was daydreaming most of the class when I felt a pair of eyes on me. It was Raven. She was staring at me. Wow I can see why Liam is afraid of her. All of a sudden Raven rose her hand and said

“Excuse me miss, but you have that wrong it should be 2.25 not 3.25.” Did she really just correct the teacher? What a control freak. To her everything had to be exact. At the time I had no idea why. Raven was this mysterious creature from another planet to me. I really had no clue what was going on with her and why she so desperately needed everything to be well, perfect.

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