Dreams and Percy's Version of Anger Managment

Start from the beginning

Luke's voice turned into a calm whisper that promised death. "You know I'l have to swear you to secrecy."

Percy nodded. "I agree," Percy started, "I will not reveal any of your plans unless you go back on your word or the time is right. I swear on the Styx."

"I swear on the Styx," Luke said, "that when Thalia is revived, she stays with you unless she says otherwise and you keep your end of the deal."

Thunder sounded loud above them, sealing their oath to each other. Percy nodded, happy with the deal. This made sure that no matter what happened, Thalia would stay with him after Luke revived her. Percy made to walk past the follower of Kronos but Luke caught his arm at the last second.

"What else do you know?" Luke growled. How could this... nobody know anything about his lord's plans? Kronos' plans? He'd have to tell Lord Kronos about the surprising new player on the board. "How do you know?"

Percy tsked and asked Luke, "Now where would the fun in that be? Now let's get going. Wouldn't want to keep your pet from his meal, now would we?"

Line Break

Despite the curious glances of Annabeth, the obnoxious sneers of Kyle, and the calculating looks of Luke, Percy didn't really acknowledge them. He thought he wasn't needed. Not really. Besides, wasn't he considered part of Hermes cabin? Wouldn't he already be drafted into the team anyways. Granted he did just grab his meals and walk out of the pavilion and back to the Cave.

Annabeth and Luke went over the plan with their team with confidence and vigor. They were sure they would win. Despite Kyle's constant badgering on how his brother would just slow him down, they put them on border patrol together.

Percy wasn't sure how that worked. Did they believe Kyle would need help facing Clarrisse? He did make her angrier than Percy had. They broke the meeting after everyone understood what their part was and headed to the woods.

"Campers!" Chiron shouted. "You know the rules. If you don't: the creek is the boundary line, magic items are allowed, but there is no maiming or killing. I want a good game."

After the announcement, Percy's team got into position and didn't hesitate to get moving once the horn blew. Only Kyle and Percy remained at the creek as the guards. Seeing as nothing was going to happen for the next hour or so- if Percy's memory was correct-, Percy sat and rested against a large rock a couple feet from the creek.

"What are you doing?" Kyle hissed. He was anxiously pacing while looking out to the woods with an eager and forlorn face on.

"Resting," Percy answered. "What's got your panties in a knot?"

Kyle threw Percy a dirty look but the older brother was unfazed. Seeing this, Kyle continued to pace while waving his sword around. "I should be out there," Kyle muttered. "I'm one of the best swordsmen here. I should be lead. Not Luke."

All Percy could do was shake his head at his half-brother's stupidity.He was truly amazed. Percy had once thought that only Hercules could be that ignorant, arrogant, egocentric, and cocky. He was apparently wrong.

Closing his eyes, Percy thought and relived his kiss with Thalia. It was one of the best memories he has/had. In both timelines- the taste of her lips, the feel of her body against his when they slept, the intensity of her eyes- was the height of his better memories.

He wasn't surprised to find himself falling asleep. But what did surprise him was the dream he had. Even though he hated demigod dreams, he had to love this one.

Line Break

It was a classroom. It was a sterile white, with desks and textbooks scattered throughout the space. But it wasn't what left Percy staring in shock. No, it was the girl who sat in the desk in the corner, promptly engraving something into the wood with a pocket knife.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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