"Back already huh?" I looked over my shoulder to see Sans leaning against the kitchen doorway with a bottle of ketchup. "... you look pretty shaken, are my blueprints really that bad?" I shook my head slightly. 

     "I didn't get to talk to Gaster." I breathed out, loosening my grip on my shirt slightly but not letting go yet.

           "...What do you mean?" He asked coming over and sitting beside me on the couch.

    "I ran in Chara.... she stabbed me, forcing me to wake up before I could find him." 

           "So that's why ya seem so jumpy and are gripping your shirt so tightly." I nodded. I put a hand to my head, it was pounding trying to process everything that had happened and the pain for a wound that didn't exist. Having it up in a tight hair bun wasn't helping either. I stood up, untying the few ribbons keeping my hair in place before letting it all fall down. I shook my head slightly helping it get back to it's natural part, brushing a bit to the side and behind my ear. Like my mother I had extremely long hair. It was actually pretty light, it was probably partially made of magic to help with that. It reached to around my ankles and was wavy. "Holy cow you've got a lot of hair, no wonder you keep it up all the time."

     "What no hair puns?" I smirked turning and looking back at him, my head definitely felt a bit better now that my hair wasn't pulling on my head. 

           "Sorry I'm knot very good at them." I snickered pushing my hair to the side as I sat back down so I wouldn't sit on it. 

     "Guess I should go to sleep and try again huh." I more of stated as I laid my head back on the couch. I ran a hand through some of my hair, closing my eyes and taking deep breaths. 

           "....I'll be here when you're done talking to Gaster." Sans said putting a hand on my shoulder and I opened my eyes, turning my head to him and giving him a small smile. 


Opening my eyes to the void I found myself lying on the ground. I pushed myself up so that I was sitting and glanced at my shirt. It was like nothing had happened... at least I wouldn't worry Gaster. Going to my feet now I felt something brush against my ankles.  I glanced down seeing it was my hair. 

"I guess anything physical I do to myself in the real world comes here too... weird." 

I began walking through the void again just as I had before. 

It was silent.

If I hadn't seen people here before I would have thought it was completely empty.

Completely forgotten. 

I knew that wasn't the case it was just the feeling the void gave off. A shiver ran down my spine as I thought about how long Gaster has been stuck in here with this feeling, with the voices, and with Chara. How many times she must have hurt him for him to be so confident that it wouldn't last, wouldn't truly do any damage like he had told me. 

My mind was drifting back to negative thoughts and events, not something I needed while in the void.

I shook my head focusing ahead again. With Gaster being mainly black it was considerably hard to find him. I stopped walking circling around to see if he was anywhere near by. I took a deep breath, getting ready to shout.

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