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     A soft knock at the door drew us out of our emotional moment. "Hey kiddo, Jade, the others want to talk to ya." Sans' voice came through, muffed slightly by the door. 

       "Coming!" Frisk answered back cheerfully as I wiped away her remnant tears. "I'm fine... though you look like a mess." She laughed.

            "Oh shut up." I rolled my eyes, chuckling with her as I stood up and looked in the mirror. Frisk definitely had a point... I rummaged through the drawers before pulling out a pair of black shorts with frayed ends and a giant, grey, turtleneck sweater. The sweater almost completely covered the shorts and I rolled up the sleeves slightly to keep them from hanging over my hands. I let my hair down and started to braid it, letting Frisk finish it as I opened the door. "Alright Sans, lead the way." I smiled. He paused looking over me and his eyes landing on the sweater. 

        "Heh, glad that old thing fits ya, it was getting a bit too small for me before I donated it." Sans smirked before turning around and beginning to walk.I started to follow before I was sharply stopped by my hair being pulled. Frisk was just now tying off the end and hadn't noticed me walking. I waited for her to finish and she smirked at me before skipping ahead. I sighed, that smirk meant Frisk had information to tease me with later on and I dreaded that... despite being a sweetheart my little sister could also be extremely mischievous and embarrassing. I shook my head slightly before trying to catch up with them. My leg was still hurt but with the couple of days I had rested and whatever monster medicine Alphys had put on it, the cut seemed to be healing rather quickly, it wouldn't be long before it was completely gone. Frisk smiled up at me and Sans gave me a glance as I walked in between the two. The walk to others was silent... but it was a nice silent, calm and gentle, like they both didn't want to push me, knowing I still had to confront the others. I stopped. I had no idea what I was going to say to the others, and despite Frisk telling me they were ok with me staying I still had a nagging feeling that I was going to be rejected... cast aside.... 

           "Jade?" Frisk's voice drew me out of my own negative world. I quickly looked up at the two, they had stopped and were looking back at me worried. 

              "Sorry, guess I spaced out a bit there. I'm fine, really!" I quickly tried to defend myself as the two glanced at each other before their heavy looks landed back on me. 

          "You're still worried about getting left behind aren't you..." Frisk said, causing me to wince slightly. 

                "Left behind?" Sans questioned. 

          "Yeah, Jade's really afraid that people won't like her or want to be her friend once they know who she really is, that's one of the reasons she's hid it for so long." Frisk explained.

               "I'm still here you know." I muttered, slightly annoyed she was saying all of this so casually. I hadn't even directly told her this, she was just good at reading other people's emotions. 

              "Come on kiddo, they said they'd let ya stay so you can stay, that's all there is too it, no need to worry." Sans shrugged. I rubbed my left arm, maybe it was that simple. Still, I knew it couldn't that simple, emotions could be a rather confusing and complicated thing after all, whats to stop them from changing their minds later on? I felt Frisk suddenly hug my waist.

                 "He's right, and you shouldn't think about such bad things! They're going to love you for you and we're going to figure out a way to free everyone alright?" She said looking up at me with a giant smile. I relaxed slightly and patted her head. 

              "Alright..." I nodded. Frisk grabbed my hand, pulling me forward so I couldn't back down or stop again and dwell on my fears. Sans followed behind us at a more leisurely pace. I could begin to hear the voices of the others, my heartbeat sky rocketing as I held Frisk's hand tighter, slowing us down again. She gave a reassuring smile before I let her pull me on. She lead me into the room with the others, they had been talking in almost whispers before but an eerie silence filled the room as I walked in. I avoided their looks and sat down where Frisk told me to before she sat down in the seat next to me and Sans taking the one to my right. Asgore was the first one to finally break through the silence. 

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