Insecurities and the Green-Eyed Monster

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Hey you guys!

So today my day wasn't great. I was in a bad mood and my friend (let's call her....Starlight) texted me today, asking me about my day and whatnot. Then she asked me why I looked a sad, and I told her that I was in a bad mood. She asked me why and I told her why:

1: I got a D on my math test, which I never made a grade lower than a B
2: I woke up too early, which means that I might have insomnia, and I go to sleep to late
3: my mom isn't happy about my grade from the test
4: I am very stressed when I do stuff that's important to me.

So...yeah. That's why I wasn't in a good mood.
Yesterday, I went to a youth church group, and we got separated into two groups, girls and boys (we also went into separate rooms as well so all is good to keep our secrets and feelings away from guys), and in my group, the girl group, were talking about the deadly sins, and one of them was envy. To tell you girls (and guys if you read this), envy is really deadly. There is a verse that had two brothers, and one of them was favoured more than the other from God, the other brother was envious of his brother that he killed him when they were in a pasture. (I'm trying to remember, so bare with me)

Envy and jealousy are confused from one another. Envy means; desire to have a quality, possession, or other desirable attribute belonging to (someone else). Jealousy means; feeling resentment against someone because of that person's rivalry, success, or advantages (often followed by of). I thought that I was envy of my friends because they can talk easily to other people but I can't, I can never talk to people like they do. And it gave me that insecurity.

I know, after the first blog, I may sound very happy and other stuff that people think I may be a very nice girl. But in all reality, I have a lot of insecurities. I am shy, nerdy, very chubby, and not much of a cute teenage girl. Sometimes I wonder if people think I'm worth it. But that's just my thoughts.

Anyway, I'll be going right now, comment down below about your insecurities or what you are envious and/or jealous about. And if you want your story to be private, message me. I'll talk to you and your secret will be safe with me.

Until next time!

~Girl Onlinexxx

Song Quote Of The Day:

Song Quote Of The Day:

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