"I understand. Will you try to?" She asked.

"Why Ma? I have no reason to come." Sharon said.

"Don't you want to see your parents?" Her mother asked.

"You and I both know that missing each other is not the reason you're calling me back." Sharon asked irritated by the conversation.

"You're talking rudely again Sharon but yes that's not the reason. We found this boy and wanted to fix your marriage." She said and Sharon was utterly shocked to give a response. She wanted to yell at her but she knew it wouldn't get here anywhere so she took a deep breath to calm herself.

"Ma you know I do not want to have this conversation. Why do you have to bring this up all of a sudden? I'm in a nice stable job just like you both wanted and now this?" Sharon said as calmly as possible.

"This is for your own good." Her mother replied.

"I'm tired of you saying that. I'll just calm you later. I can't have this conversation now." Sharon said as she saw Swayam from her peripheral vision. She cut the call before her mother could utter a response and threw the phone on her couch.

"Really? When everything is looking fine something always has to go wrong?" Sharon said to no one in particular.

"Hey are you fine? That didn't sound like a pleasant conversation." Swayam said eating the last piece of the brownie.

"Of course I'm not fine." Sharon yelled.

Swayam just nodded and backed off a little.

"Great, now I'm yelling at you. I'm sorry; my parents always seem to turn me into Hulk." Sharon said feeling guilty about her outburst.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Swayam asked.

"Seems like the most sensible thing to do." Sharon replied.

"It is just my parents forcing me into things I don't want to do." Sharon said as she sat besides Swayam.

"Did you at least hear them out?" Swayam asked.

"Of course not, because the topic was ridiculous. Swayam this isn't the first time. They always do this trying to force me into things or make me think that whatever I do will always be wrong for me. I was never good enough for them and they keep on reminding me that they ended up with a daughter who always disappoints them instead of a perfect son. I always try to ignore them and put my energy into other things, one of the reasons why I started dancing. They put me down for even doing that especially my Dad. I couldn't take their judgement any longer so I moved her but also took their advice and found a job that they approved of." Sharon said getting off the heaviness in her chest that she kept feeling for years.

"I'm sure they had good intentions in their hearts." Swayam said not knowing what words could comfort her right now. She seemed distraught and he had never seen her so down.

"I try to tell myself that but this is possibly the worst way to do that. I am happy now Swayam, content with my life. I finally have a vision of what I want to do with my life and the people I want to have with me in that life." Sharon said and looked up at Swayam at the last sentence. She stood up and turned her back towards him holding her forehead with her hands. They both were silent for few minutes and let the words sink in. The atmosphere was tense and it was choking them both.

Sharon turned to face him with tears glazing her eyes. She didn't want to cry and wanted to keep it all inside her but her body always seemed to betray her. "You want to know what she wanted to talk about."

Swayam almost wanted to say no because whatever she was about to say wasn't going to pleasant. He just nodded at her as he moved closer to her trying to comfort her.

SwaRon SS You Me and DreamsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz