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A conversation between a therapist and her patient.

"What happens when you feel like that? Do you feel like you're not good enough?" She asks, focused..concentrated and polite. She didn't feel like the girl she used to be.

"Yes. I feel as if the whole world is better than me, as if I wasn't worth the happiness, worth the love. Worth anything. That's why he left, right? Because I'm not worth it."

The girl responds and her hearts clenches for her. Because she has felt the same, she has felt broken, useless, worthless.

"What do you think when you feel this way?" She questions the girl m

"I think I'm slowly going to die, I wish to die, I am not anyone important, right? I'm not." The girl responds and she sighs. It's hard to crack eighteen year olds.

"Do you think a girl as young as you should have these feelings? Of not being good enough?" She questions the girl. She's only 25. And yet she feels much mature.

"Why do you keep asking questions? You're my therapist, you're supposed to make me feel better." The girl scowls at the therapist and she dryly chuckles.

How can a therapist make you feel better when you don't want to get better?

"Do you want to feel better?" The therapist cross questions her.

"See, again. A question." The girl says frustrated. "Tell me Why? Why do I feel so broken?" The girl questions.

"I don't know. You tell me." She replies.

"But You're my therapist. Help me." The girl pleads.

Now she actually wants to feel better. The girl isn't here because her family forced her anymore, she's here because she wants to feel better.

"Okay, I'll help you. But promise me you'll complete seven sessions, that you won't run away like last time. I can help you but I won't if you don't promise me that." She asks the girl to promise her.

"I promise, I do."

"How about I tell you some thing and you hold on to that till the next session." She tilts her head forward and holds the gaze of the girl.

The girl's eyes remind her of her own self. Four years ago, she was the same. She felt the same.

"There's a difference between being broken and feeling broken. Nobody but yourself has the courage or power to break you-come here," She gets up and motions the girl to stand up with her. She makes her stand up in front of the mirror.

"Look at this face, do you think that a strong, beautiful girl like you can break just because of a man? No,. Only you can make or break yourself. There's a whole world out there for you. You're sad, and angry. Not broken. So hold onto that. Alright?"

The girl just didn't want anyone to feel the same way she did four years ago.

Complicated. (Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now