BOOM. He's dead

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"Beth you're a really strong person "

" Well I shut people out is it a good thing?"

" Nope" he said poping the 'p'

" what happened to Nancy if you don't mind me asking?" He asked and looked at me with hopeful eyes

"Long fucking story" I said bitterly tears gathering in my eyes threatening to spill

"Willing to share?" He asked hope radiating from him

" Yes you deserve to hear" I said of course bitterly

He remained silent I sighed and began

" It was a rainy night Meg, Ema, Amy and Kat were visiting Nancy.


I was in my room watching the rain from the sofa near by the window. Uncle Blake barged in the room

"See bitch you better not talk to any of them ok?!"

"Well I have to talk to them if they said hi"

"So you have a tongue now slut"

"Yeah asshole"

"Someone is on her period" he chuckled

"and a dick needs to be retaught"

"You fucking whore I will show you" he ripped my shirt.

"Leave you manwhore " I said crying and trying to move him

He pinned me onto the sofa and began unbuttoning his shirt

Nancy came to ask me if I wanted to prepare with her for the sleepover even though she knew I will just refuse she opened the door and saw us

"Beth wanna help me ahhhhhhhh" she shouted and then came and push him off

He stood up and then I sat there crying he came and he wanted to hit me but Nancy came in the way he hit her and she flew out of the window and into the garden

"Oh my god you fucking whore I hate you" I said and put on the hoodie that was on the sofa. I ran outside and saw Nancy in a pool of blood everywhere and I cried and cried and cried

People tried to calm me down but I didn't stop crying, neighbors and passerby's was calling the police and the ambulance.I hugged her to my body in the cold and cried and cried

"Shit" i heard someone. I turned around and saw Uncle Blake next to the window with a gun over his head.

BOOM . He's dead


I never ever forgive myself never" I sobbed then Jee came and hugged me I cried into his shirt

"I am sorry I wasn't there"

I just hugged him tighter. I didn't show this side of me to anyone from the night Nancy died.

"I never had the chance to tell her I am sorry " I sobbed

I continued to cry till my eyelids were so heavy that they closed.

Kat's pov:

I woke up 7am I took a shower and then woke up the girls.

I wore my clothes and put on my daily makeup ,I even straightened my hair.


I grabbed my backpack and went to the kitchen, I Harry eating pancakes

Full house (On Hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz