I Wont Say

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Chp 12 ((I wont say))

Beth's Pov:

I woke up and found myself still in the living room cuddled in Jakes arm. It was 3pm, Oh my god Mrs.Foster is coming now from work if she found this mess we will be dead. Her work is from 8pm until 3pm, poor woman!

"Guys wake up, your mom is comin' now and if we didn't hide the mess were gonna be in a big problem" I shouted while untangling myself from Jake and standing

No one moved so I went and brought a jar of water and began pouring on each of them ,hahhahaahahah evil ?!

They all woke up cursing under there breath "stop cursing and wake

" why the fuck did you do this?" Harry asked angrily

" We have to clean the mess don't you remember what your mum did last time when we watched the movie and left the popcorn on the floor?"

" Oh yeah shit" said Harry while standing

" Ok so Jake you wash the dishes, Harry and Alex you go and clean the place and trow the trash, Josh return the pillows and blankets to where they belong and us the girls will cook lunch cause we promised so off to work and where the hell is Ema and Ash" I said

The boys started to look at each other.

"Umm yesterday Ema was mad at Ash i dont know why and then she left , you girls and Josh woke up and slept again, umm and Ash he is at his room" said Alex.

" Ok" i said. Why is Ema mad at Ash?

I grabbed Amy and Kat wrists to the kitchen and found Ema there cooking something.

"Mornin Ema what are you cookin'? we came to help" I said

she turned around smiling and hugged us

"I am cookin Alfredo pasta and wow i dont know how to make chicken wings but i know how to make pasta hahaha."she said while laughing.

Yeah i remember she threw the chicken at the boys and she kicked Ash' balls !! poor boy , she really knows how to kick.

" Great! At last pasta!" Said Amy with a smile

"Ok so what to do?" Asked kKt

" Girls you know me I don't do cookin so bye!" I said that and went out

" BETH" they all screamed and ran behind me

" Hey guys stop don't you remmber last time I tried to cook pasta ?" I said while running.

" Ok at least do something" said Ema, i'll talk to her later about the Ash's thing.

" Ok I will wash the dishes after lunch deal?"i said rolling my eyes.

"Deal" we all spit on our hands and shake it.

" Hey I thought girls don't spit they always do disgusted faces when they see us do like this" said Ash

"Not us man" said Kat while giving him a playful push

I saw Ema giving him a death glare and walking away.

"Umm Kat, Amy can you finish cooking im tired, only add cheese to it and little bit of salt and pepper and if its done call me" she said while walking away

"And dont make out with one of the boys and forget the food" i said wiggling my eyebrows.

"BETH , WE'RE DOOOOONE" The boys shouted.

I went to the living room and i was surprised , the boys did a great job

"Ok great job. The girls are cooking pasta, they'll finish soon"

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