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Chp 20 ((White?))

Beth's pov:

"Where the hell were you"

what now? I am not in the mood. I am tired from driving ,my butt hurts my back and head too! Not good time I have my period! And they are asking were I've been? Go to Hell! Its non of your business I care about people but people don't have to care about me!

I just ignored and continued to walk up the stairs. While Ema stopped still dizzy from sleeping.

"Are you going to come Ema?" I asked

"yes" she replied and followed me

The Jee,Nick,Ash and Jake followed us too ,we went to our room and they followed into the living room

"What do you want ?food,bath,sex ?" I asked

"What? No? Where were you?" Asked Jee

" Long story and I need to sleep" I pulled some blankets from a cabinet in the room and threw on Jee and Nick " here so you can sleep night" I said and went to my room

"Wait Beth!" Said Jake.I stopped and turned around he sighed and continued "where did you go?"

"Don't worry we were out with James" I said while putting my hands on my hips and tapping my foot patiently

"Wait you skipped detention to go out with James, what the hell " asked Ash

"No, why would we go out with James?" Said Ema in a tired voice

Ash raised an eyebrow, while Jake crossed his arms.

"I told you its a long story didn't I?" I said

" Ok girls night"said Jee while pulling them out of the room to our living room

"Night boys" I said and went to sleep

He mouthed to me 'talk to you tomorrow', i just nodded

I didn't bother to change or anything I just slept.

-----next morning-----

I woke up from a phone call, 'Dr.Isaac' what does he want

"Good morning Bethany" the Dr.Isaac said


"Sorry wrong timing but its about Megan's treatment "

I sat on the bed "yes what about it?"

"Her body isn't accepting it "


"Don't worry it may accept it but not fast"

"And if it didn't accept it "

"Her body is going to shut down starting from the kidneys"

"What can we do to stop it?"

"We have to find a donation when her kidney will start to shut down! Do you know some of her cousins?"

"They dont have any cousins, and you know about Ema's parents, and Ema is not 18"

"I will try then to find a donator, Megan's blood Field is A"

"Mine is too"

" Good Beth , are you 18?"

"Next month"

"Good I think she will handle it till next month"

"Yeah thanks Doc for updating me with every step"




We hung up I sighed and rubbed my temples.I saw the time its fucking 7:40 we're late

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