Yandere Belarus x Chubby Reader

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You were so excited to be going to a world meeting. You weren't a country but you were really good friends with Alfred and Matthew. You didn't like it when people didn't notice him, he was a very nice guy and you were probably his only friend. Alfred was very energetic and while you did your best with him, he was slightly annoying at times but he hadn't helped to build your patience towards almost everything. This was of the reasons why you were always so calm about everything. It took a lot to make you mad or angry. 

Matthew had always held back you going to a world meeting because of how loud and chaotic they were but you kept asking him. He always said Nov so you decided to ask Alfred this time which was why you were strapped into the back of Alfred's car, driving to this months world meeting. You were smiling in excitement, it was finally happening! You were behind Alfred when he pushed open the doors and he wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling your plush body to his side. The countries seemed to stop talking when you walked in, everyone was quiet. This didn't seem like what Alfred would rant about every time he got home. 

They were all looking to the side of you and you saw a large man in a long thick trench coat, a scraggly scarf round his neck and some kind of weird purple aura surrounding him. You weren't scare don't of him though. You turned cheerfully to him and held out your hand, "Hello! I'm (Y/n), Alfred's friend". He took two steps closer to you and everyone including Matthew seemed to shiver and send you worrying looks. You shrugged them off and smiled back at the man. He took your hand and shook it gladly, "My name is Ivan, you want to be one, da?" Alfred rushed in then and grabbed you, taking you away, "Alfred? What did he mean?" He shook his head, "No, you are too pure to understand". You rolled your eyes as Alfred pushed you in the direction of all the countries. You smiled at everyone of them and hugged them. Except Japan because he had an issue with personal space. 

When Feliciano kissed you on the cheek, you blushed but you had swore you heard a small growl from somewhere. It might have just been Matthew's bear. Alfred said he had introduced you to everyone but you saw a girl in the corner, staring at Ivan. She had short light hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a blue dress and was holding a knife? You pointed to her but Alfred shook his head, "Oh, you don't want to meet her, she's obsessed with her brother Ivan and she's seen you talking to him. Who knows what she'll do?!" You nodded and when Alfred took his hands off you and walked away, you headed over to introduce yourself. 

You smiled as you got closer to her and held out your hand, "Hi, my name is-" She put her hand over your mouth, "Shh", she went back to looking at her brother. You decided to ask her some questions, "Why are you so obsessed with your brother?" She glared at you, "Brother is the only one who loves me! I love him!" You stared back, "What if someone else loved you, what would you do then?" You blushed because of how close she was getting to you, her face almost touching yours. However, she seemed to have misunderstood you and your words. Her eyes seemed to light up, "You love me..". She was now cornering you against the wall and you blushed harder, getting uncomfortable. "B-but I've n-never met you b-before". She suddenly got very sad and depressed and you were sure you saw tears in her eyes. You felt sorry for her so you decided to play along, "I'm sure the right person has been right in front of you". 

That may have been the wrong thing to say as she grabbed your waist and pulled you close to her, hugging you and laying her head on your breasts. You hugged her back, smiling. All of the boys were watching your interaction and their jaws dropped. No one had ever got that close to her before without some kindness of injury. You were about to pull away when you heard her say, "Marry me, (Y/n)!" Your eyes went wide, "Um, why don't we just go slow" She giggled as she nodded. Her eyes glared at everyone looking at you, including her brother, "If anyone touches (Y/n), you will die!" Well at least it was straight to the point. 

Yandere Hetalia x Chubby ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now