Chapter 13- Five more minutes

Start from the beginning

"I think Seymour would be offended" It was Will's turn to laugh. Nico loved his laugh, it was like a cool breeze, light and comfortable. Nico pulled Will to the staircases and started climbing them. When they reached the demigod's door, Will stopped Nico and said,

"Just so you know, Chiron said that I was gonna sleep in your room because of the ... you know ... nightmares." Nico just nodded and pushed the door. The sight made Will even more awestruck if that was even possible. There was a new seat that was yellow, and when Will finished admiring the room he asked,

"Is this really only for the demigods?"

"Yep" Will took off suddenly, heading to the hallway where the doors are. He stopped in front of a door that used to be all black but now had a yellow sun on it. Will opened the door and walked in.

The entire room had been redone. Nico didn't recognize it. It had one big bed on the left side. Opposite of the bed there was two doors, one leading to a closet and the other to the bathroom. The walls had moons and suns, (look at the picture for examples) there were two drawers and one big desk. Will walked to the bed and flopped backward onto the black bedsheets and pulled one of the yellow pillows under his head.

Will p.o.v. To when Hagrid told Will that McGonagall needed to talk to him.

Will walked toward Hogwarts, wondering why McGongall wanted to see him and swaying his hips to You are my sunshine. When he reached McGonagall's office, Will said the password Black Cat and the griffin jumped aside to let Will through.

The professor sat behind the desk, finishing writing something. McGonagall looked up and said,

"Ah, I see that Hagrid gave you my message. Now before you ask, you're not in trouble. I merely wanted to give you your schedule and answer any questions you have. You will be sorted during dinner. " When she finished, she gave Will his schedule and he was thankful that it was in Greek. He then asked,

"Do I have the same schedule as Nico?"

"Yes, and you will teach the class with the other demigods. Also, you might want to say hi to your half-sister, Poppy (I can't remember if that's Madame Pomfrey's first name). She has been waiting to see demigods, other than us teachers."

"Really? This is where Poppy went? Is this where everybody else is!?!"

"Yes, now hurry along, I suspect that Nico is waiting for you right now." Will blushed when McGonagall said that, but nodded and left.

Nico p.o.v (Resume to where we left off from before Will's p.o.v)

The second the pillow was under Will's head, he was asleep. Nico wanted to wake Will up, but he looked so peaceful, more than usual. Nevertheless (it's such a big word), Nico gently shook Will awake.

"Mm... Sunshine, five more minutes? Please" Will answered sleepily.

"Don't you want to see Luna, 'Mione, and Drake?"

"Yeah, but can't we stay in here and cuddle?"

"After you go say hi to the other demigods."


(Just say all of the demigods were in the mini common room.)

"Hey guys!"

"Will!" Drake, Luna, and 'Mione all yelled at the same time.

"How's life?" Will asked wanting to break the silence that fell over them.

"Well Harry and Ron hate my guts," Drake said.

"Ya, they don't like me anymore because I left them for my family." 'Mione said.

"I don't even know what they think about me," Luna said.

"Well, see you guys at dinner." Will said, turned around and went back to Nico and his room.

When Nico entered, Will was already on the bed and had his arms open, as if waiting for a hug. Nico chuckled quietly and crawled into Will's arms. Will pecked Nico's lips. Nico buried his face in Will's neck and they lay there for a while until Percy decided to barge in.

"It's time for di- oh" Percy stopped talking and backed out of the room. Then he came back in and said,

"Hurry up!"

"We're coming, we're coming," Nico grumbled, not being very happy about going to eat.

They got up and went to the Great Hall peacefully.


I just wrote this on a 16 flight to New Zealand. That was time-consuming. On to the important stuff!

Ok, so Aivy asked me:

"Who is Hagrid's godly side?"

I though that since he's already half-giant that he has enough special blood.

I don't think I've actually ever said who Luna, Hermione, and Draco's parents are if I have then these are their new parents.

Draco: Hermes

Luna: Athena

Hermione: Athena, I know she isn't blonde but just say she's an Athena kid.


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