chapter three

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Suddenly there was another knock at the door.
"That'll be my dad." Kate said hopping out of her favorite bowl chair to get it. The group listened as she walked to the door, the creak as she opened it, greetings, a short explanation, and finnaly more footsteps as they walked back.
Kate sat back down in her seat and her father remained standing. He had a proud beam on his face. His daughter was finally going to do what she was meant to, she'd be just the greatest at it and he knew it. 
They group arranged that Kate could work full time and board Monday through Friday taking weekend off when there were no cases.
"Well today is Sunday, so you have two options," Jazlen explained ",you can come with us now and get registered or start tomorrow, your choice completely." Her father spoke on her behalf.
"Its a little late for all that, I'd start tomorrow if I were you." He recommended.
"Yeah, that sounds like the better options." She agreed to the group.
"Sounds good to me!" Clive exclaimed. With that the group said their farewells and left, climbing into a large black suberban in the driveway and pulling away.

"Time to pack your bags for the week then!" Her father said enthusiasticly.
"Yeah, you've know this whole time?" She asked curiously. Kate didn't know rather to trust the agency or not, but she trusted her father.
"Ah yes, I would've told you but I was under oath. It never did feel right keeping such a secret, hope you can forgive me." He sighed.
"Oh no, no I'm not mad I understand. I was just wondering." The last thing she wanted was to make him feel bad. In her book he was the best dad ever.

That night she packed her red rolling suitcase up with clothes for the week and other nessicities. She hardly slept that night from the sheer excitement of it all. She had way too much on her mind to sleep. Kate was apparently immortal! She didn't know to what extent that was, they didn't say that she couldn't die from any unnatural causes. Just that if she took care of herself, her immune system was so advanced that she'd go on living forever, with her powers. She didn't know fully how those worked either.

Kate dicided to see if she could control the rain outside. She threw off her covers and made her way to the window. Focusing on the dark droplets, she shut her eyes and imagined it all slowly turning into a perfectly clear night. When she opened them she saw exactly what she'd thought up in her mind, there wasn't a hint of rain. The ground itself was completely dry and not a cloud could be seen against the starry sky above. She was amazed, again completely wordless.

She claimed back into bed and after a while finaly fell asleep. It would be a big day in the morning.  She ended up only getting about five hours of sleep but she could make do. She'd had it worse off before.

The morning time came early for Kate, but it couldn't come early enough. At six o'clock She jumped out of bed and hurriedly ran to the shower. She blow dryed her hair and got dressed just as fast as she had showerd. Kate had dressed herself in a nicer outfit but still casual. She wore stretchy, white skinny jeans, a solid back tank top and topped it off with a gray cardigan and a pair of black boots. She added a blue necklace as a finishing touch and tied her hair up into a knot on top of her head.   She had her shoes laced and her bag for the week ready to go by six fifteen.

They weren't due for another fifteen minutes. She left her bag by the door and walked to the kitchen for something to eat. She poured herself a bowl of lucky charms, her favorite cereal and poured in the milk (the right way to do it). She ate slowly so she could waste as much time as she could. Still she had finished eating ten minutes before they would be there.

Kate left the small kitchen and returned to her bag by the front door. She opened it and rolled it onto the small front porch and sat on the steps. She looked up to the sky, it was a mix of blue berry bubblegum , roses and lavender shades. There were still a few stars speckled in the mix, too many to count but not enough to think you couldn't if you tried. She didn't right now though. She instead examined the horizen. There were the dark trees and frost covered dead grass of winter. It'd Likey crunch underfoot when she got up. She let herself daydream and think about things until the same black car drove up into the driveway.

It's windows here tinted darkly so she couldn't see who was driving, she routed it would be any of the agents as they seemed closer to her age. Kate got up off of the steps and grabbed the handle of her rolling bag. She lifted it and took it down the steps to where the car was parked in her gravel driveway. The front, passenger side window slowly rolled down. Abe waved at her and smiled again.
"Hey!" He exclaimed,"you can sit in the seat behind me if you want, or the other side it doesn't really matter."
"Okay. That sounds good." She said as she opened the door to the seat behind him and climbed in. She took her seat and found that the car had three rows. The front two seats, two in the middle and three in the back. Jazlen was the one driving, she didn't look sixteen but Kate didn't guess that mattered if she was a goverment agent. Beside her was Abe in the passenger seat.

Beside Kate in the other middle row seat was Chris, the back row held the Clive and the other boy who's name she still hasn't been informed of. Jazlen turned around and put the car into reverse. She pulled out of the driveway and pulled off down the road.

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