Chapter Twenty Nine

Start from the beginning

"If they are anything like you they will be far from a little angel." She winks and everyone starts to laugh. I have heard some stories about me when I was younger and I question how my Mum and Dad managed.

"Are you staying here then?" Grace asks. I shake my head and yawn.

"No, ive missed my house. I havent stayed in it for a while and I bet Zepp misses it too" I chuckle and look over at Zepp asleep on the floor.

"Want me to run you home?" Alex asks. I shake my head.

"No thankyou. I have my truck outside so ill be okay. Plus i havent been drinking remember?" I giggle and my Mum smiles. She looks beautiful.

"Im proud of you hunny and this baby is going to be beautiful and most definitely spoilt." She smiles at me and I smile back. My family are happy and I am happy. I bet baby is happy too. I need a little name for my invisible bump. Im still thinking.

My mum walks me out to my car and I hug her again. I kiss her cheek and get in my truck. I strap in Zepp briefly. I get my new car tomorrow which is exciting! I definitely couldn't drive this with a baby in the back. I wouldnt trust it. I start up my engine and drive out from the car space and into the traffic. I see my Mum go back into her house and close the door through the mirror. I chuckle. I can imagine them all having a mini party because of the news.

I keep driving and drive around the block again. Ive avoided going onto my street twice. I feel quite alone now. Ive been with Jamie for so long that Im used to being with him all the time. Sleeping alone is going to be so strange. I finally turn onto my street and drive into my drive. I flick my lights off and grab Zepps lead. He moves over as I step out the car and he jumps down onto the floor.

"Cmon Zepp, lets get in" I walk up the steps and stop. On my porch is a sleeping Jamie. His head is leaning on his suitcase as he uses it as a pillow. He has his cap on and his hood up over it. I step over him and let Zepp into the house. He wanders off into the livingroom and I turn my attention back to Jamie.

I kneel down and stroke his cheek with the back of my hand.

"Hey, wake up sleepyhead" I whisper. He stirs and frowns but his eyes stay shut

"Jamie.." I lean down and kiss his lips softly. He reacts as he kisses me back. I can feel him smile.

"Thats a brilliant way to wake somebody up" He mutters under his breath. I shake my head and stand up.

"I think my bed is much more comfier than my porch. " I stand by my front door and watch as he gets back to his feet. He pats himself down and grabs his suitcase. He walke past me and pulls the handle down on his suitcase.

"You look beautiful" His eyes move from his suitcase up to mine and I cant help but smile.

"Why are you here?" I shut the door and walk over and past him. I sit on the couch and bring my feet up.

He turns and joins me on the couch. "I wanted to make things right. I hate that you left, i hate that i made you feel upset and pushed out" He moves slightly and pulls my legs so they rest on his lap.

"You didn't do anything wrong, I needed a break..." I look at him and he stays looking at my legs

"From me?" He looks up and his eyes look sad

"No.. well yes.. but I realised that I need you more than anything. I was scared to come home because I havent slept alone for a good two weeks and it felt weird to even think about it. Im really happy you are here. It was a nice surprise seeing you lay on my doorstep." I chuckle and he pulls me so Im sat on his lap.

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