✟Chapter 1✟Sakamaki Brothers✟

Start from the beginning

Yui an I sat side by side on a velvet blue vintage fainting couch and the redhead sat on a matching single couch.

"Now, in the interest of formality," began the glasses boy. "Let us begin by having you two tell us about your selves and how you both came to enter this house."

Before either me or Yui could answer, a chuckle was heard from the second floor balcony.

"Ara, ara, (hora) What have we here?" a boy with red hair and green eyes said. His eyes and hair were the same as redhead's. He had a black fedora hat that had a red-pink ribbon.

"Is it true? Are there really cute little human girls here?" He chuckled his question. He then suddenly appeared beside Yui and licked her cheek. Then a boy with purple hair and eyes came out of nowhere behind us and licked Yui aswell. "Mmm, you smell so nice and sweet. But this one smells sour." The one with the hat stated and the boy with the teddy bear agreed. I then pulled Yui to the other side of me and glared at the two.

"Better watch out, that Neko shows no mercy." The redhead warns in a teasing manner. I shot a glare at him as well.

'Neko? what da heck?!'

"Now you two, don't you think that behaviour is a little impolite towards a lady you have only jut met?" Glasses scolded.

"Ehh? but doesn't everyone want to taste something that looks yummy?" the one with the hat argued. "Don't you, Kanato-kun?" The teddy bear boy agrees.

"Knock it off, you guys!" the redhead warned. "Yours Truly saw her first. Yours Truly is going to be her first everything. You guys can have Neko."

"Lame." Someone called out. "I'm so sick of you calling yourself 'Yours Truly'."

"Screw you!" the redhead shot from his seat. "I know that's you Subaru. Show yourself!"

"Over here." A guy with white hair and red eyes suddenly stood before us and he doesn't look happy. "I thought it smelled like human in here. So it was you two. How dare you interrupt my precious sleep?"

"H-how did you get in?" Yui stutters a bit from behind me. "My question first!" he then slams his fist into the wall, leaving a large dent.

The glasses guy uses his middle and index finger to fix his glasses as he asked, "Has anyone been told anything? About these two ladies whom have come here to live with us?"

No one said anything. Yui was about to get up to leave when I stopped her. "Don't be rude sister, he's trying to find the answer to our question so lets just sit and wait for it." I smile as I whisper this to her. She nods in understanding.

"Are you two the sisters he mentioned?" a lazy voice questioned. We looked over to a guy with orange hair lying on a brown fainting couch.

"Shu, do you know something about these girls?"

"Maybe." he answered sleepily. "Don't 'maybe' me." Warned the teddy bear boy. "I would like an explanation."

"That guy... contacted me the other day. He said, 'we have two guests arriving from the church, so treat them with respect'. "

"What?" redhead began. "Are you telling me that Chichinashi and Neko here are the prospective brides?" Yui freaks at the word bride.

"Oh, is that all?" teddy bear boy sighs. "More like sacrifices than brides." The one with the hat states.


"Oh right," the lazy one adds, who I now sees has blue eyes, "and he also mentioned not to kill the oldest one."

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